You watched it in HD I assume? And I think what you're perceiving as interlaced and liney (while he's panning, I assume, seems impossible to see on a still image by definition) is actually the image stabilization, cuz he recorded it at 30p - agreed it's not perfect, but hardly a deal-breaker for my needs when it does such a good job with color accuracy (for the price), even in low-light; color and contrast I thought were quite solid, definitely far from crap IMO
And the HV20 vids are indeed impressive, but I want a warranty and decent performance without a big ol 35 mm lens hanging off the end (again, this is as much for impromptu hand held stuff as it is for pre arranged shots on a tripod)
And the HV20 vids are indeed impressive, but I want a warranty and decent performance without a big ol 35 mm lens hanging off the end (again, this is as much for impromptu hand held stuff as it is for pre arranged shots on a tripod)