HDTV Resolution question


Oct 10, 2009
I have a 32" LCD HDTV that I use to watch Blu Rays , play PS3 etc. My brother and a few others have told me that on a smaller TV like that it will look better at 720p Res , instead of 1080p. My TV has both , and my PS3 defaults to 1080p when I plug it in through HDMI. My bro says that 1080p looks better on big screens , and is squished down to fit on a smaller (like 32) tv. If this is true then why do they even have the option? I tried going back and forth between the two , and I can't see much difference , so does anyone know which is better?
The conventional wisdom isn't "720 looks better on smaller screens." It's "1080 doesn't make an appreciable difference on small screens."
The bottom line is if you "can't see much difference" then it doesn't really matter either way.
Cool guys , thanks for your help! I have one more question - My gf's mom bought a blu ray player to use at her summer house so she can watch her blu rays. After she bought it , apparently a bunch of people told her to return it because they said a standard def tv won't play blu ray properly. I'm pretty sure this is total BS , but I don't know Amazon's policy about opening up and returning items , so I'm kinda iffy about trying it out on a standard def tv here. I have a PS3 and I've hooked that up to a standard def TV before , so I assume a BD player can do the same. On PS3 you change the res in the options menu , not sure if a BD player has one... anyone know? I'm pretty sure it would work I just want to be totally sure.
some TVs don't use 1080p, but 1080i, and 720p is no doubt better than 1080i (which should really be called 540i, btw).

see which one looks best!

Amazon has the best return policy in the biz IME. You aren't going to see any improvement in quality over DVD with bluray watching on an SD tv, but as long as it has F, composite or svid out it should certainly support SD viewing.
Amazon has the best return policy in the biz IME. You aren't going to see any improvement in quality over DVD with bluray watching on an SD tv, but as long as it has F, composite or svid out it should certainly support SD viewing.

Ok. I know it won;t look any better she just wants to be able to watch the blu rays she bought , and she does not want to buy another HDTV just for the summer place
Itll work perfectly fine dude,as egan said, as long as the tv has the proper ins and the blu ray has the proper outs then you should have no problem at all (Ie the SD tv most likely doesnt have the blue/green/red connectors, Make sure the blue ray has at least a red/white/yellow setup and youll be good to go) but IMO its a waste of money because its gonna be the same resolution as SD