Headbangers Ball + Much Music


Apr 29, 2001
Hey there. Just letting you know that Opeth did inverviews with both these when they played at the Metalfest last week. I don't know which dates they will air, but for headbangers ball, it MIGHT(?) be this weekend!? (dunno I don't have the MTV2). Someone tape it ok!!!
Julia is just such a god damn airhead hoe bag, she definies stupid metalhead groupie that doesn't understand music and just wants to get laid as much as possible. She's not even attractive anymore, maybe just because I'm disguested by how she acts. The interview with Opeth was just stupid, they looked like they couldn't believe they had to do this. And then watching her try to play crazy train with Zakk Wylde teacher her was just plain sad. I can't believe he had that much patience.

Uranium plays good stuff though, and so does the returned headbanger's ball. I've barely watched it and I saw Shadowsfall and Hammerfall (which really suprised me). They mix in crap too, but at least it is something after MTV X was replaced with that stupid rap shit.
MTV2 isn't that bad, they actually play some underground stuff. Doesn't mean it's good. :)

I want to see the interview just for the sake of it, I don't think this Julia or whoever she is will ask interesting questions. If what you gusy say is true she'll ask something aloing the lines of "Alright, so what ytpe of music do you play? Mh-h? You don't say. And do you like it? Yeah? Awesome. Mh-h. Oh yeah. But of course."
Julia seems like she knows a bit, but she acts like a complete vapid whore in the way she interviews. It feels not like she's too dumb to do it right, but she consciously thinks, "What can I do now to make this dumber and appeal to the entirely wrong crowd for this show? Ah yes."

I'd love to see both interviews anyway. Too bad I don't get either channel.
I hope Opeth gets some much deserved fame from this. And some cash down the line. More money means more studio time and things like that, woot.

Its a little hard on the ear's hearing the "extreme" kids at school that "like death metal like Dimmu Birgur and Cradle of Filth" :tickled: say the word "Opeth," but not everyone can be an Opeth whore I suppose.
italvamp2378 said:
i cant stand Julia.. she seems like such an airhead in the questions that she asks.... though if she had flashed the crowd at the metal fest, i wouldnt mind her that much.! :)
Julia goes to my school, and its well documented that I have voiced my dislike for her in the pasy MANY MANY times. Shes actually friends with gf's good friend. I actually had a good long 45 min convo with her outside during finals week. She told me that MMusa makes her act as dumb and as stupid as possible, and she really has no control over it cuz its her job, and they pay her loads. Shes been with the same guy for 6 years, and supposedly has never cheated on him *shrugs* She seemed like a nice girl, and can be a bitch (like shes done to me many times in the past) I still dont like her a whole lot, but at least I figured out where shes comming from...She still doesnt support the local scene worth a turd, NYDM etc etc...but whatever.
LuminousAether said:
I was fucking PISSED when I saw Opeth on Uranium as they usually show at least a live video for the band they are interviewing, but they didn't show SHIT for Opeth. I think they showed Slipknot instead. I almost puked.

It's hard to show a video for them if they don't have any. I didn't catch this interview, but I saw one a few months ago where she was complaining that they had no video to show for them and they said the problem was the songs are too long for these video shows.