Headbangers Ball on MTV2 (is it me, am I old, or do most of the videos shown suck?)


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I don't know if its me, if I'm getting old, or what but it used to be that I liked the majority of videos shown on Headbangers Ball. Now, I only like about 4-5 videos shown per episode. Also, can anybody explain to me what "emo", "Screamo", and "metal-core" are. I have a few ideas. The videos that I've liked as of late include Susperia, Behemoth, Seemless, maybe more.

But what in the hell is this Atreyu, 18 Visions, Avenged Sevenfold shit. To me it sounds like Duran Duran one minute, and then death metal (poorly done at that) the next. Oh well, all comments are welcomed.

P.S. Here is what I think the following types of music are and some examples:

metal-core: Hatebreed, Throwdown,
emo: My Chemical Romance
screamo: ????
My biggest problem with music videos now is how the audio is compressed. It makes all the guitars REALLY loud and because alot of production is similar now everything comes across as having the same guitar sound.

I have been watching little, almost no music videos now for many reasons.

so in answer to your questions, yes the videos suck.
yeh usually it does suck....

Last week wasnt bad at all though. They showed a behemoth and a amon amarth vid along with a couple others. I usually watch for the few vids that are good
It's not just you–the new Headbangers Ball reeks of unadulterated shittiness. Kinda like the old one, actually, except instead of glam metal we have screamo bullshit and gay metalcore, and less Death Angel and Kreator popping up to alleviate the suck.

What song is the Behemoth vid for?
I admit to watching it in between some other show. I take a guess if its the screaming in the hardcore, or the slower melodic moments in metalcore. Its a guessing game to me....but yeah, that Behemoth VID was cool to see
Hey man ... Simon LeBon's nailpolish could kick the shit out of Atreyu.
I think the reason why the show for the most part sucks is beacuse of the host and the production crew. I'm not a fan of jamie or hatebreed so that may make me biased but who the hell gives a crap.
i used to watch it, then i discovered that you could simply download what you wanted on the internet for music videos. there are just way too many commercials, almost more than there are videos, and when you get videos you have to wait through 5 videos of bands that are metalcore or whinny and emo and sound the same just to get to one video you like. and all the bands they interview suck a lot. except sometimes.
I've seen a few cool videos on it whilst flicking between channels when ads come on.
I've seen Nile (who I don't actually like, but it was pleasant to see them being played), Nevermore (I actually didn't realise they'd done a video for I, Voyager until I seen it on Headbanger's Ball), and Morbid Angel (admittedly, it was a song I hated from Heretic, but as with Nile, it was just pleasant to see a band that wasn't really fucking whiny).
Enemy242 said:
i used to watch it, then i discovered that you could simply download what you wanted on the internet for music videos. there are just way too many commercials, almost more than there are videos, and when you get videos you have to wait through 5 videos of bands that are metalcore or whinny and emo and sound the same just to get to one video you like. and all the bands they interview suck a lot. except sometimes.

You're catching on. Now all you have to do is quit listening to Children of Bodom.
NicodemiX said:
You're catching on. Now all you have to do is quit listening to Children of Bodom.

Ahhh thats not nice. Without COB I wouldnt know about most of the finnish metal scene. Cob, KAlmah, Sonata Arctica,Immortal souls, Norther.