headbanger's journey


Nov 7, 2006
Canada, moving soon
anyone watched that movie? i thought it was a lot of crap. from an anthropologist point of view the conclusions of the movie were pretty stupid. the guy the whole time takes an american point of view that is totaly wrong because in europe and brazil heavy metal (and punk) are mainstream music for teenagers. heavy metal is not a people it is a hobby and nothing more... it is like trying to explain hockey

and i also thought i was ironic saying that metal is the music of ppl who don't care what the world thinks, since ppl are so fuckign conservative when it comes to "good" bands. dare not ever say a word agains slayer or people will call u a fag. (and never say that system of a down is good...) metalers are closed mind like any redneck with a winipeg jersey.

but the mayhem interview was sure was priceless... somebody has to show that guy the internet.

what u ppl think
anyone watched that movie? i thought it was a lot of crap. from an anthropologist point of view the conclusions of the movie were pretty stupid. the guy the whole time takes an american point of view that is totaly wrong because in europe and brazil heavy metal (and punk) are mainstream music for teenagers. heavy metal is not a people it is a hobby and nothing more... it is like trying to explain hockey

and i also thought i was ironic saying that metal is the music of ppl who don't care what the world thinks, since ppl are so fuckign conservative when it comes to "good" bands. dare not ever say a word agains slayer or people will call u a fag. (and never say that system of a down is good...) metalers are closed mind like any redneck with a winipeg jersey.

but the mayhem interview was sure was priceless... somebody has to show that guy the internet.

what u ppl think

coming from a 8 year old its understandable
yes, it is hard to find a post from you that you don't say that

If you participated in a proper or bearable way, not just throw your opinions in everyone's face and annoy everyone, I wouldn't say that.

I agree about the american perspective point, but I think that was intentional.
If you participated in a proper or bearable way, not just throw your opinions in everyone's face and annoy everyone, I wouldn't say that.

I agree about the american perspective point, but I think that was intentional.

i throw my opinion because i have a tendency of being always right,but that is not my point here, if u read i'm asking for people's opinions abount the documentary


^Never will get lowned anything :p... damn the american society :mad::lol:
lol this guy is gettin pwet all over the place

yeh, even by god :p


But seriously... he is allowed to express his opinion, he just does it in a very ignorant way and annoying way :lol: But he does have a point about the (north)american-only pespective, I noticed that too.
Seriously guys, if you are going to dissagree with someones thoughts, have a reason to disagree instead of going "u still here, lawl, ghey". It makes you look really stupid. You don't HAVE to post in every topic, if you arnt going to say anything relevant don't say anything, simple as that. Going "yeah you're wrong!" and nothing else, is dumb.

anyone watched that movie? i thought it was a lot of crap. from an anthropologist point of view the conclusions of the movie were pretty stupid. the guy the whole time takes an american point of view that is totaly wrong because in europe and brazil heavy metal (and punk) are mainstream music for teenagers. heavy metal is not a people it is a hobby and nothing more... it is like trying to explain hockey

and i also thought i was ironic saying that metal is the music of ppl who don't care what the world thinks, since ppl are so fuckign conservative when it comes to "good" bands. dare not ever say a word agains slayer or people will call u a fag. (and never say that system of a down is good...) metalers are closed mind like any redneck with a winipeg jersey.

but the mayhem interview was sure was priceless... somebody has to show that guy the internet.

what u ppl think

The movie was obviously a North American view, seeing as it was directed, produced, and filmed by a Canadian.:rolleyes:.

You're hobby is you're life, if you havn't noticed. Hockey for example (lol canada), some people go to watch every minor leage game they can because its cheap and fun to watch, watching and discussing hockey is waht they love to do. They can go to work during the day and do wahtever, but doesnt mean their work is their life, although in some cases it probably is. Similar to Metal, some people I know spend the $5 to get into small locakl shows to see small metal bands and do nothing but talk about metal.

In North America, mainsteme music is very heavily based on the band's image (like it or not its true), andthe heavy metal image is "Be sick, be disturbing, be angry, don't give a fuck," and thats it, and that metal is just angry bands like Slipknot and Godsmack or SOAD who are angry at their paretns and authority. Metal is seen as an underculter, dirty skids with bad homes who listen to angry noise.

The movie did a great job of going though many specific genres of music andletting people see just how big the fan base was all over the world, and even at home. Those people that are "conservative" are assholes, it happens in every genre of music. I HATE slayer, many of my good freinds know this, and do give me a hard time (especially since they all just bought floor tickets to Slayer :p), but thats natural for you're freidns and others to want somthing they like, to be shared with others.

Despite what you may think, what you listen to often relates to you're lifestyle. If I asked you to picture an Eminem fan, or an Atreyu fan, I'm sure most people in their mind can think of someone who fits the image. It's not 100% of course, not all people are clones, but next time you go to a concert, take a look at the people around you.

Somone in the movie said somthing along the lines of "Its so huge, but no one knows its out there, thats what is so great about it."

The point of the movie was to let people know its more than just a bunch of 13 year old kids with slipknot shirts yelling and screaming and being annoying. I go to school to study Jazz, almsot every teacher there HATES metal, along with certain snobbyu students. The movie just treis to open the eyes of the people, just tryign to say "Metal isnt just some scumbag underground trend, its a real genre of music, with roots dating back to Classical and Baroque (sp), and even bluegrass."

I think the film did a very good job.
*faints from typing*