Headbanging Issue.


Witching Metal!!!
May 14, 2004
Wellington - New Zealand
Ok heres a lil story.

At my high school here in New Zealand, 2 of these metalheads which are a year older than me regulary play a little gig at lunchtimes (on average about twice a year..) even though I've been too scared to talk to these dudes because their guitar\bass\music writing skills are just Uber than to me who only justs loves the metal and cannot play anything other than piano which I have forgotten to play anyway now.

Aaaanyway.. last friday they played a wee gig at recess and man it was a kickass gig, they played cemetary gates, fade to black, crazy train and an original song they made.

Now my high school is pretty dull with probably the majority of them all being boppers and rap hoodlums so I was probably the only metalLOVER there apart from the dudes playing.

So there they are playing, im right up the front of the crowd, everyone beside and behind me just watching, not doing anything, when the hard part kicked in in fade to black, I just went nuts, headbanged as I normally do, with a bit of air guitar, I understand people have different styles of headbanging, but if mine was to be compared it would be a bit like dimebags combined with jason newstedds.

So yeah.. it was a kickass gig. Good as lineup of songs etc.. the drummer (which goes to a different school and I have never met before) came up to me after the little gig and commented me on my headbanging :)
Anyway.. down to the headbanging thing. I just got a message from a freind, which is freinds with one of the 2 main dudes that was playing the gig (the guitarist) and he had a message from him to me. He talked to me on MSN. (Kieran = the guitarist, Me = Ret-, Freind = Tim)

Tim says:
why were u headbanging at kieran and rohans concert like u were on stage (message from kieran)
Ret- says:
Tim says:
Ret- says:
I felt the need to headbang because its normal for me, as it probably is for other metalheads..
Ret- says:
I liked the music.. so yeah :)
Tim says:
yeah u can headband
Tim says:
Ret- says:
Tim says:
but not as if u were on stage playing with the band
Ret- says:
Tim says:
like u were headbanging like u were on stage rather than in the audience
Tim says:
with air guitar etc
Ret- says:
why is that a bad thing?
Ret- says:
I just headbanged like I normally do
Tim says:
because thats just attention seeking in kierans words
Ret- says:
thats just how I do it normally, dont care about attention :/ I just like metal.. and thats how I usually headbang, other people have their ways and I have mine :)

Fill me in people, is this the complete utter wrong way to headbang as an induvidualist\at concerts? am I an idiot? - Or is this just normal, cause to me it is, I had no problem with it. People around me were definatley starring and probably laughing but I dont care - but I am considered a attention seaker from someone I've never talked to\met :((which personally I would really like to be freinds with cause I know we could get along. :rolleyes: )
Well Keiran is a kunt, plain and simple. If the dude is more concerned about the fact that you may have garnered more attention than them for half a minute rather than the fact you liked their show enough to actually do that, he's an idiot that doesn't really deserve your attention.

Fuck 'em.
Ehh???? Headbanging is attention seeking? WTF?!! lol
That Kieran dude or what ever seems like a fucking primadonna to me who's exactly that kinda person who we metal ppl dont need around....talking like he'd be some sort a rock star for playing a gig at school...:lol:

Pay no attention, you're right on this one! :rock: Keep on headbanging!
I think he's right. You said yourself you were the only one headbanging, you were blatantly doing it to steal the attention from the band.
plain n simple, u dont go 2 *insert band name*'s gig an see the singer stop playin jst to tell some1 in the crowd showin how much the music is makin them want 2 move to stop because itz distractin attention from the band
Darkness Eternal said:
I think he's right. You said yourself you were the only one headbanging, you were blatantly doing it to steal the attention from the band.

Oh please...so you're saying that noone should headbang cause it might distract some people in the audience (= keep your eyes on the fucking band and dont move or otherwise you're and attention whore and you deserve to die)? Is that it? And it's only allowed to headbang when everyone else is headbaging? Gimme a fucking break!!!!!!

Hell man next time they play just go fucking nut in front of them! You can do what you want when you want and it should matter to you that some twat thinks you're taking his audience. The guy's a fool...he was on stage playing for christs sake! If he doesn't like peole doing that sort of stuff to his music then why does he play? God imagine going to one of that bands gigs! You'd get shot dead for moshing!
Keep on headbanging man!