I'll leave the true headbanging to Amon Amarth

So earlier I was headbanging to Ancient Sign of the Coming Storm while playing guitar. The heavy part after the fade in/out is where I headbanging more and crazier than ever. About 10 seconds into it I hear a huge crack on the right side of my neck and it's been hurting like a bitch ever since. Any ideas to help it and be more loose before I headbang again (exercises)?

Poor guy :) I faced the same prob a year ago cos of extreme head banging, I passed two weeks with that stuff in my neck n it wasn't funny.:erk:
So here's my advice: exercise ur neck n make some Echauffements like sportmans do n every thing will be all right.
n buy the way try the soft headbanging: it's all basd on how u stand n not on ur neck's strength, wach some Hypocrasy lives n u'll see how easy it is to do the helicopter without harming urself

good luck guy :rock:
I have a bang-over after every Amon Amarth show, its hard not to go crazy while listening to their music!
Bang-over. Totally going to use that term now. Thanks for showing it to me.

Hmm, it's probably too late for this at this point, but for future reference, two extra-strength aspirin/tylenol pills always work for me. That and avoid headbanging a lot of the next day. Just give it time to rest and you should be good to go.
yea just do it a lot and you'll build up endurance, haha my Five year old brother reall wants to grow his hair up and when I ask him why he says so I can do this * he does a windmill motion with his head*. haha its great.