Headin' to Hollywood!

Unreal that you're coming! I have no idea what kind of venue it is.. Hopefully the stage is a good size! I heard the gig finishes at 11pm because of All Ages gig curfew rules & stuff! We're on at 9pm followed by Catwitch at 10pm (with 2 bands on before us). Doesn't really bother me what kind of crowd is there, as long as there is a crowd and they dig it! Catwitch are from Bendigo and I believe they have a bit of a following there so hopefully that will pull a crowd and usually our crowd & Catwitch's crosses over really well because both bands are so visual.

It's gonna be pretty rushed! I'm leaving STRAIGHT from work to get there (have my clothes, makeup & equipment in the car) and gotta change & do my makeup in my car when I get there! A Saturday would have been alot better for an out-of-Melbourne show!
You've come along way since the PINK LEATHER SEX PANTS days.


Onya dude!
Just came across this while I was doing some PC tidying. :lol:

YES!!! That's what I was after! Haha. Rokkin!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for comin' on Friday night dude, what a bad turnout!!! Made it worthwhile though that the people that were there seemed to get something out of it (they were freakin out in the foyer! Nearly everyone who attended got photos & autographs) so that was cool! Catwitch were awesome I thought, by far the best I've ever seen them play. I had a shocker of a gig, wasn't in the vibe at all, kinda felt like something was missing the whole time, played badly, and felt kinda lost & naked on stage with all that space but no fog machines & the room was so light & no buzz from a crowd or anything, felt a bit like a soundcheck!

Last night had another all ages show, in the western suburbs in Melbourne, 10bands on the bill yet still a small crowd (the kids just don't wanna see bands these days! Not in Fawkner anyway haha) but coz it was a smaller venue, dark room, better lighting & fog on the stage, had a few drinks in me etc it felt more right and had a better show, but we cut the setlist short and still threw in 3 covers (Black N Blue, Priest & WASP) to just have a bit of fun with it! Nobody's Fool played as well and I really liked them, great sound!
Haha it sure is! I had to do it too, changed my clothes & did my makeup & in the front seat of the car with the mirror I put behind the sun visor thingo! This was before I went into the venue, then found out when I got in there that the entire backstage section was mirrored and could have just done it in there haha!
The turnout fucking sucked, such a shame too, because it was one of the best gigs I have seen here in ages...both you guys and Catwitch were great. If it was promoted and perhaps held elsewhere, I am sure it would have gone off. Oh well. Am keen to check both bands out again in Melb at some stage. Good stuff!
I'm looking forward to playing with Catwitch again (4 weeks time!), they are great guys and so good to play with. No hassles or anything, just alot of fun, and put on a great show. And I think especially for all ages show if you're gonna be advertising around schools and stuff, having a picture of Catwitch on the flyer would definitely help get people interested and wanting to check it out coz they look so cool! Love their dancing girls too!!!
I agree :) Both heavy on image but different styles and they work well together I reckon!

It's the 9th Dec (Sat I think?) at The Green Room on Elizabeth Street...
Million Dollar Whores opening up, then Wonderland, then us, then Catwitch. One of the guitarists in Catwitch is also in Wonderland so he'll have a busy night with a bit of a costume change!