headline should have read: people lack basic survival skills


Aug 2, 2002
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instead it read that three people died in NC because they lost electricity and heat for a few days and they couldn't figure out how to safely keep warm without screwing it up entirely.

as in:

Epifanio Arody Navarro, 32, of Durham died in his bed after residents took a charcoal grill into the house, police said. In Shelby, a man died and his wife was hospitalized after they ran a generator on an enclosed sun porch, police said. A Charlotte woman, whose name was not released, died Sunday after burning charcoal in the fireplace of her apartment, Mayor Pat McCrory said.

it makes me sad that people can't even do the most basic shit ofr themselves.
"Noth Carolina!! cum on n raise up!!!"


whenever that state is mentioned I start bouncin to that song...

"swing it like a hellacopta!"

and when I was looking for a Petey Pablo pic....check out the pic I found of a guy writing rap and hip hop reviews...

it just makes me depressed. like, people who can't change a tire or the oil in their car AT LEAST. or dont know how to plant a seed so it grows something. or cook food without a microwave/stove. or how to make soap and all that kind of stuff. it blows my mind.
my gf and I are trying to be as DIY as possible. we pretty much cook everything from scratch, she does some weaving, we make beer, we have a small garden.... all we need are some sheep/alpacas and a bit more land and we could be almost self-sufficient. well, closer than most anyway.