
Thanks for the tip on the Alessandro MS-1. That is an incredible price for some Grado SR 125's it seems, and even then... they are modified.

I'll consider them. Gosh it seems wrong to be paying 100 dollars for headphones :lol: never done that before.
I use a pair of Shure E2C in ear monitors....can't hear anythign but the muzak...pretty sweet. takes a little getting used to if you've never used earplugs tho. the E series run from about 75 dollars to 400 dollars. got mine for 99.
I use the pair I got with my iRiver... I was actually going to buy some headphones when i got the player but ran out of cash so had to listen with the packed phones and they were actually decent. All I did was fuck around a bit with the equalizers and it was fine. They're Sennheisers by the way, just nmot sure what model or anything.
SPLASTiK said:
I have 4 pairs for $100 headphones and a $250 pair... and a dedicated headphone amp that set me back round $100... :D


:lol: :lol: I'd like to say i'm that serious about sound, but.. i don't think i'm there yet. o_O o_O

do headphone amps help cheaper phones sound better? or are those just usually required for the nicer ones that need more driving power to get the job done.
^ A dedicated H/Phone amp will always be better than the H/Phone socket on your average amplifier.

The H/phone socket is supplied with the signal coming from the speaker terminals with some resistors in series to prevent the h/phones being overdriven and destroyed along with the amp, worst case scenario. :(

A poster above posted a link to headfi, a web-site devoted to headphones and energizers, there are others...


Weeping Moon ask yourself this; where would you rather be on the stage with the band, or in the audience? For all answers and prices, a comprehensive site--WWW.headphone.com
WeepingMoon said:
do headphone amps help cheaper phones sound better? or are those just usually required for the nicer ones that need more driving power to get the job done.
Definately improves the cheaper ones as well, you can build your own for pretty cheap too, a lot cheaper than $100.
Head-fi is an awesome resource for info and reviews. Those people are crazy too with huge setups just for headphones... They'll spend a few hundred dollars just to buy a different cable and see if it make it sounds better than the stock one...

Moonlapse said:
Haha, tracking bands live is a bitch isn't it. Usually have enough to worry about without having to do 4 seperate headphones mixes while tracking!
Oh headphone mixes are a bitch yeah! But these aren't for tracking, personal use :D
the problem with grados (and alessandros) is that they have a very collapsed soundstage--it's very 'in your face' sounding. while this is fun for rock/metal, if you listen to other genres which have more spatial effects, you'll be missing out. plus it can get fatiguing after a while. many people describe the audio-technica's as halfway between the aggressiveness of grados and the laid-back nature of senns, a good compromise imo.