
Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002

I said "I think I said something stupid to the drummer of kind diamond"

cara said, "you said a lot of stupid things"

If Eric can do it, Acie can do it. Shame that those three screwed you up, but yes, good beers,
Yeah, I pretend to be 21 all the time... You just have to act like you're supposed to be doing what you're doing. Nobodies gonna question it.
all I know is all all night I kept saying "hey acie , that's the drummer from king diamond" and cara says he started poking him in the back ahhahahahaha
haha, at least the desk clerk at the Super 8 didn't suspect anything when i basically had to hold you up so you could tell him who you were and get another room key after Will kept demagnetizing ours. that's all that matters.
So I went up to the bar to order some beer and there was some black dude looking at the wall of beer taps, and he says "Purple Haze?! Is that a beer?" and the beer girl says "Yeah, but it tastes like liquid potpourri" and he says "HMMM" then I hear that and say "yeah dude it's really gross stuff, don't drink it" but he gets a sample anyway. So then he takes a sip, then turns to me and says "Yeah, I can't drink beer, I never learned to burp." THEN he tries telling me some story about not being able to burp?! WTF! I WAS SO LOST.
This thread is making me want to listen to The Graveyard.
I'll do so after I finish Fatal Portrait
They were heavy beers though, eh.

and high alcohol: the dogfish head 90 minute is 9%, and I assume maredsous 8 is 8%. thick stuff that sticks around in me gut.

I tried ending the night on blue moon, but it was WARM booooooo, so I had to drink chimay white twice.
I expect everyone to be able to drink like Matt and I damnit! Just not like penguin. Then you start being evicted.