Heads up for the new Hulk movie...


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
It's good!

I was really worried it would suck, but I was wrong. It's a pretty kick ass movie. Bits of it don't work, and it's not quite in the same league as Iron Man, but it is still pretty awesome.

There is a 30 second cameo too that blows your mind! (and steals the show!).

I've been hearing nothing but great reviews so far, and now add on one from YOU OF ALL PEOPLE. I guess it must be good.
Is it a TONY STARK CAMEO? The commercials tell us that now, probably since they're getting worried no one wants to see the film and need to piggyback off Iron Man's success.
Haha, yep it's Downey Jnr. He pretty much makes the movie. This takes part in the Iron Man-verse, and they play off it quite a bit. It's just not as fun, not as sharp. I read a a few reviewers faithfully and one of them said:

"Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk represent a solid one-two punch. If the former movie was a triple, the latter is a solid single, and good enough to drive the earlier one home"

That's pretty fair.
I went and saw Indiana Jones on Monday, the Hulk preview had a Tony Stark hint. (I was very disappointed with Indiana Jones.)

Probably going to go see it next monday.