Headway Festival 2004


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
All I can say is Wow!!

Day one:

Textures, Death Machine and Watchtower were the highlights of day one.
I had to miss Watchtower but I heard they set the place on fire. Their encore was the complete 2112!

Textures were great but Death Machine slayed!! There were a lot of people afterwards complaining about the bad mix during the DM concert.

Anyway day two:

Can you say Biomechanical? The energy oozed of the stage. They simply blew me away! If you like their album you gonna love their live shows. Glad to see some quality UK metal in the Netherlands again.

Ephel Duath did nothing for me, but maybe I am stupid..? I was disappointed.

Ice Age were good. I liked some of the new songs. I remember one I did not like. But I was already anticipating the upcoming Sieges Even performance. So I could not concentrate well on the IA show.

Sieges Even.

Highlight of the festival for me. Among the best 3 concerts I ever saw. Incredible. Focused, technical and still emotional. The new singer Arno Menses fits the band like a glove. A great singer with a big reach and articulate in expressing the emotion the music needs. I was very impressed with all the members. I could see Alex enjoying himself immensely behind his drumkit. Thanks for the drumstick dude!

Oliver also smiled and walked around like a happy camper. He looked very relaxed like enjoying a walk in the park. Markus was very focused. I could see however he enjoyed the crowd participation. I expected a lot and got [Sieges] Even more. Before the concert I got to talk with Arno and Markus and shortly with Alex. They were very friendly and it was nice to meet them at last.

I have waited years to see them live. I have not been disappointed.
The band got 3 encores. They RULED! I am happy now. I have seen Sieges Even. :worship:
Glad you had a good time, I got some friends who went there and they were blown away by Watchtower.
I would have liked to see Biomechanical and Sieges Even as well.
Sounds cool. I like Ice Age pretty well. All I have is Liberation but it's pretty good melodic prog metal. Haven't heard these other bands...... What do watchtower, Sieges Even and Biomechanical sound like ?

Bryant said:
Sounds cool. I like Ice Age pretty well. All I have is Liberation but it's pretty good melodic prog metal. Haven't heard these other bands...... What do watchtower, Sieges Even and Biomechanical sound like ?

Biomechanical: Pretty fast and complex structured metal. The singer is a cross between Geoff Tate [in his good years] and Phil Anselmo [in his good years :)]

Hear and see them here: http://www.biomechanical.co.uk/music.swf

Watchtower: Wow! Rush on speed!!! Multiply Rush with itself and you have Watchtower! More crazy breaks per minute and faster too. Tech-metal at it's best.

Their site is here: http://www.marathoncd.com/watchtower/
UM Forum here: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=103

Sieges Even: I do not even know where to begin. First; they made my all time favorite album. Second; it's the only album they made that is not metal :) The album is called A Sense of Change the singer Jogi Kaiser, is great! His sound is operatic but not in a power metal way.

Go here ti hear on of the songs: http://www.siegeseven.com/start.htm

The first two albums "Life Cycle" and "Steps" were ruined for me because of a terrible "singer" Franz Herde. On these albums they sound a bit like Watchtower, although the second one, "Steps" is very different in places.

I would not recommend starting with those albums. Then came A Sense of Change and after that they released "Sophisticated" and again they changed singers. Singing on this album is Greg Keller. He is good but he's no Jogi.

The music on this album is metal again. Still complicated but less complicated than the albums before. This a great album! And a good one too start with.

The last album "Uneven" is exactly that. There are some great songs on it. But the album could have been better.

I hope you check them out. Especially "Sophisticated" and "A Sense of Change" are classics in the Prog-Rock/Metal genre.

The great news is that the lineup from "A Sense of Change" is back together again with a great Dutch singer called Arno Menses. He is just as good as Jogi and they will record an album in the style of ASoC! There will be only one 45 minute song on it!! :headbang: It's called "The Art of Navigating the Stars"
Fangface said:
Glad you had a good time, I got some friends who went there and they were blown away by Watchtower.
I would have liked to see Biomechanical and Sieges Even as well.
Yea they both rocked!! If you ever get the chance to see Sieges Even, Do it!
They were spectaculair! Really. Of course I am a big fan of them. Just between you and me. It was me who got them on the festival bill. I mailed the organisation that they were active again.
Well, Freek told me that in due time "we must chat". I think that they will find Fates Warning tio big for the festival. They target bands that are one the edge of breaking through to the progressive underground crowd.

Visit the Headway forum on UM and you will see that they already considered Psychotic Waltz. AS for Conception... Now *that* is the golden tip :)

Headway also tries to feature an "old" band returning from the past. I have two bands on my mind:

1) Anacrusis. They were way ahead of their time.
2) Heir Apparent. Would be great seeing them in Europe again.

O, and one more thing...

:worship:Sieges Even :worship:ROCKED!!!!!
Wow Heir Apparant would rule!! Didn't know they were still active! \m/
And I almost totally agree with your first post Hawk!! Especially 'bout day one! Unfortunately we couldn't see ice age and SE anymore on sunday... I would have looooooooved to see SE live... Sophisticated did so much to me!! I _had_ all their albums, listened to them sooo many times, but unfortunately all my stuff (house)burnt 3 years ago and it's about time for me to order these cd's again. Only thing about Biomechanical, ok, verryy cool band, great singer too, but it would be cool if he did some more with his singing.. all i heard were high pitched vocals (yeah and the 'grunts' what he does great!!) but I think he can do alot more with melody..
And Ephel Duath.. hehe I agree... couldn't take that serious. Not my band haha..
But for me the highlights were
1. Watchtower
2. Textures / Death Machine
(and if I'd seen Sieges Even they would be on the 1.2nd place hehe..)
3. Karma's vocalist. She's great!! But not really my kind of band.

grtz and rock on!!

\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Wow Heir Apparant would rule!! Didn't know they were still active! \m/
Well I am happy to say, they are. I am not much in contact with Terry anymore but they seem to starve for gig's overthere in the US. Too bad they are a class act. Here's their page:


\m/FRNK\m/ said:
And I almost totally agree with your first post Hawk!! Especially 'bout day one! Unfortunately we couldn't see ice age and SE anymore on sunday... I would have looooooooved to see SE live...
Thanks for agreeing :) I truely believe you have missed a concert that will be remembered for a looong time to come.

\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Sophisticated did so much to me!! I _had_ all their albums, listened to them sooo many times, but unfortunately all my stuff (house)burnt 3 years ago and it's about time for me to order these cd's again.
Bummer man! Once of the worst things that can happen to you is when your house get's burned down. :erk: With it you loose a lot of memories. One can buy new chairs and tables again, but you can never buy your old pictures, books etc again.

Sophisticated was the first album I ever heard from SE. I was blown away!! But the one that *really* hit me hard was "A Sense of Change*. My all time favorite album.

The bad news about Sophisticated is that it is not available anymore :erk:
Here's hopong you can pick it up ate some cd market or Ebay.

\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Only thing about Biomechanical, ok, verryy cool band, great singer too, but it would be cool if he did some more with his singing.. all i heard were high pitched vocals (yeah and the 'grunts' what he does great!!) but I think he can do alot more with melody..
Eeeh, Mmmm, well, see, ... OK; I have to admit your are right. You've got me there :)

\m/FRNK\m/ said:
And Ephel Duath.. hehe I agree... couldn't take that serious. Not my band haha..
But for me the highlights were
1. Watchtower
2. Textures / Death Machine
(and if I'd seen Sieges Even they would be on the 1.2nd place hehe..)
3. Karma's vocalist. She's great!! But not really my kind of band.

grtz and rock on!!

I'll bet if I had seen Watchtower they would have been the highlight of the first day too :).

Hopefully you will get a second chance to see SE. Maybe at the Boerderij in Zoetermeer?? Who knows? I hope they picked up a good record deal after this gig. I have been keeping my fingers crossed for them all week now. Ouch! They hurt :D

Hey thanks man. I appeciate your remarks.
Hawk said:
Thanks for agreeing :)
Haha thanks for starting the thread and giving your comments ;)

I truely believe you have missed a concert that will be remembered for a looong time to come.
Yah probably... a friend has seen them live too a few years ago and videotaped their show in ehhm... damn can't remember, somewhere in Germany. With Wolfgang Zenk (damn he rules...) and Greg Keller.. I saw that video a few times

Bummer man! Once of the worst things that can happen to you is when your house get's burned down. :erk: With it you loose a lot of memories. Once can by new chairs and tables but you can never buy your old pictures, books etc again.
Yep hehe.. and especially all those hard-to-get cd's, guitar, pics etc.. ah well :) I can't complain anymore ;)

Eeeh, Mmmm, well, see, ... OK; I have to admit your are right. You've got me there :)
LOL lache :)

I'll bet if I had seen Watchtower they would have been the highlight of day one for me too :).
Cool!! And you could have sang along 'Billy Jean' which they covered too in the most energetic way ever.. \m/

Hopefully you will get a second chance to see SE. Maybe at the Boerderij in Zoetermeer?? Who knows. I hope they picked up a good record deal after this gig. I have been keeping my fingers crossed for them all week now. Ouch! They hurt :D
WOW! Zoetermeer?? I'll look up the date right away!!! Thanks man! :D

Hey thanks man. I appeciate your reaction.
Thanks to you too, same here ;) Aam curious who you are, 'cause probably I've seen you there hehe..


\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Yah probably... a friend has seen them live too a few years ago and videotaped their show in ehhm... damn can't remember, somewhere in Germany. With Wolfgang Zenk (damn he rules...) and Greg Keller.. I saw that video a few times

Nuff Said!
Uhuh.............. :OMG: And there only were like 30/40 visitors at that show... imagine that.. o_O
Unfortunately I don't see this guy alot anymore... he was on Headway (in Sieges Even-shirt hehe) too by the way..
I just remember I copied that tape back then.. but it burnt too...heh..ah well :) Next time I see him I'll ask if he has still got it...

Well.. I'm off now, thanks for the chat Hawk :)

baldyboy said:
hawk,i must have a serious chat with you about your knowledge of european festival promoters!
Well, I am just a very small cog in a [of course] much bigger wheel. :)

But hey don't be afraid to send demo's and stuff to those that you want to target. Since I know almost nothing of your style :erk: I am curious...

For the Headway festival you would have to be pretty progressive, in fact so progressive that other festival promotors would hesitate to accept you :lol:

Well, you know were to reach me :wave: