Hear the new Nightwish vocalist

I have a 3rd & the Mortal album. Picked it up at our local used CD store. Have never really listened to the album much, though. Maybe I'll give it a go tonight.
And honestly, I don't really care about the "who" aspect of it. I'd rather it be an unknown singer with a spectacular voice than grab someone like Simone Simmons, Sharon Den Adel. Floor Jensen, etc who have a band I'd rather they stay with.
It's just funny that based on a 10 second clip some people are already saying she sucks (I'm not referring to this baord). It's a slow tempo part of a song that might get more powerful. There's no reason for her to be belting this tiny part out so saying she has no power to her voice is jumping the gun.
Haha. This is on Wikipedia under Nightwish band members..

Cristina Scabbia - Vocals (TBA 24.5.2007)

BTW. I've always liked her in Lacuna Coil. But I thought she sang excellently on the new Megadeth album.
Haha. This is on Wikipedia under Nightwish band members..

Cristina Scabbia - Vocals (TBA 24.5.2007)

BTW. I've always liked her in Lacuna Coil. But I thought she sang excellently on the new Megadeth album.

If that's her voice then I will eat my hat (not that I actually own a hat).
Haha. This is on Wikipedia under Nightwish band members..

Cristina Scabbia - Vocals (TBA 24.5.2007)

BTW. I've always liked her in Lacuna Coil. But I thought she sang excellently on the new Megadeth album.

LOL That's funny, but that's not her voice. Doesn't sound like her at all, her vocals have a more rough edge to them, not polished.

As far as the new megadeth song, I liked her vocals much better than I liked Dave's. Seriously, WTF happened to his voice?

Just so everyone knows, there are actually two Eva clips. One is the ballad-y one that Glenn posted, and the other seems to be a slightly more powerful clip. Roadrunner posted them both: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=73072

To be honest, I expected someone with a more powerful and dramatic voice. I'm really not sure if I like this singer as Nightwish's singer. I do recall Tuomas initially was hoping for a soft, sweet female voice when he first started Nightwish, but instead got a powerful, dramatic voice in Tarja. So I guess he got the vocals he initially wanted.

But as I said on the NW forums, I'm going to wait until the full album is released, and make a judgement for myself based on the entire album as a completed work. 30-seconds is hardly enough for me to make an informed opinion.

She's not better than Tarja, though. And she does sound a bit like Sharon den Adel, but I don't think it's Sharon. She doesn't sound enough like Sharon. Perhaps she is some previously-unknown singer, after all.
I think it is a coincidence since this album was written awhile ago (and they didn't have the singer for sure) and I just don't see Sharon doing double duty and especially not leaving Within Tempation. It's not like WT is just some band she sings for. It's her & her boyfriend's band. And it's also not like WT is just some band that's released an album here and there without success. They're finally stepping into the US market and if pushed correctly, they can be bigger than Nightwish ever was or will be. Now is not the time for her to be loosing focus. Also, I don't think it sounds like her. Yes, there's similarities but not enough to say "that's sharon." I think I know Sharon's voice pretty well. The moment she started singing on a Delain song I knew it was her. Also, unless it was a flat out lie in the diary about a song being a little higher than her normal vocal range, there's no way in hell that describes Sharon unless that song is out of most soprano's ranges which would be quite high.
Other rumors have it as Kari Rueslåtten from 3rd and the Mortal.

She's from Norway, and I heard that the only thing that's quite sure, is that the new singer is from Sweden.
Voice from Eva and voice from 7days' Fall Again are similar.

What a hell... We'll know tomorrow! :cool:
ANd, I heard a rumor that Conan O'Brien had a sex change operation, and is the new vocalist.

Seriously, guys, the announcement is only 20+hours away!
Astrid is a good guess. She's young enough that there's still ways they can develop her voice. Also, the age seems a good fit to the wording of her diary. It's been a few years since Ambeon so there's no telling how her voice has developed.