Heard of this? Apple "iSlate"


Gimmicky? You've been presented with several great applications, and it's pretty clear that you don't get just how great they are in those applications. I'm with you on 3DTV sucking, but either explain what you have against tablets (and why you can't base it on reality) or get a better idea of what's going on with them.


Ok well for starters, cut the ridiculous bravado, there's absolutely no call for that kind of hostile posturing.

Secondly, I am plenty aware of the pros and applications for ACTUAL tablet PCs, which I touched on earlier in this thread (I even went so far as to post a video from CES 2010 of what I feel is probably the best tablet design), a post you didn't read before jumping down my throat. Again, way to go.

The point I have here in regards to tablets in general (or at least, the huge amount now hitting the market) is that they are being marketed as general purpose PCs, with applications for business and multimedia creation/manipulation being something of an afterthought. Now I don't know about you but in my mind the idea of a portable PC platform that is even more unwieldy in terms of general use than existing laptop designs doesn't speak to anything but incorporating the latest hip feature, i.e. touchscreen interface, to move units rather than make any sort of improvement . Ergo, gimmick.
I agree with you, Bekanor. Also on that sample from the CES you posted earlier.

That's exactly the problem, the iPad is not a computer. It's a tablet, but not a tablet PC.

If they would market this as a new evolution in eBook readers, I'd be fine with that. But for Jobs to have the nerve to slam netbooks to hell and back, just to present this laughably crippled gimmick moments later, as their answer to them, left a sour taste.

Yes Steve, your shiny new little hipster gadget looks like a fun gimmick and surfing (unless you want to visit a site using flash of course ;) ) is probably a breeze, even though your 'netbook-smasher' doesn't even have a full-featured browser, but whether you acknowledge it or not: even the cheapest netbooks out there run circles around your gimmick as far as functionality goes.
Ok well for starters, cut the ridiculous bravado, there's absolutely no call for that kind of hostile posturing.

Secondly, I am plenty aware of the pros and applications for ACTUAL tablet PCs, which I touched on earlier in this thread (I even went so far as to post a video from CES 2010 of what I feel is probably the best tablet design), a post you didn't read before jumping down my throat. Again, way to go.

The point I have here in regards to tablets in general (or at least, the huge amount now hitting the market) is that they are being marketed as general purpose PCs, with applications for business and multimedia creation/manipulation being something of an afterthought. Now I don't know about you but in my mind the idea of a portable PC platform that is even more unwieldy in terms of general use than existing laptop designs doesn't speak to anything but incorporating the latest hip feature, i.e. touchscreen interface, to move units rather than make any sort of improvement . Ergo, gimmick.

First, you're reading 'bravado' into my post somehow and I'm not quite seeing where. (Did I miss the part where I said I'd wrestle a lion if anyone dared to challenge me? I would probably have remembered that.)

Second, I had seen that post - I'm not sure what's attractive about the stripped-down OS, the unusually awkward (even by slate standards) detachable body, the 'underpowered like a netbook, priced and sized like a notebook' merging, and the continued lack of an application really worth mentioning, but I guess I'll try one sooner or later. In any case, the problem with tablets is the lack of notable apps that appeal to 'normal people', not the fact that there wasn't a fancy enough way to switch from slate to laptop - if you're worried about manufacturers adding no value and just going for fancy gadget points, I hardly see how you could pick that as your favorite.

Finally, it seems like you're just trying to jump right by my point with whatever excuse you think you can find - tablet functionality isn't the 'latest' (the only way to get less 'current' is to advertise pointing devices that look like nipples as the wave of the future), it's hardly seen as being 'hip' (in fact, I hardly see them advertised at all, much less as "Hey, this really *isn't* a useless extra feature that average people won't have any use for!"), and 'gimmick' *implies that it adds no real value*. Poorly-marketed and supported, sure, but not adding any value? Dead wrong.


Oh my gawd!! It's MAGIC!!!

But seriously... this is the most useless thing I've ever seen... How can Apple have the nerve to deceive customers and claim that it's the most advanced piece of technology out there and how Steve Jobs said before the keynote that it was going to be the most important keynote in his life... What the fuck? This is a giant iphone... Not even a fucking custom OS? The only fucking difference is that you have new apps built in... YAY!! iBOOKS!! I can watch them movies as well yay!! Fuck that... 499$ for this shit? For getting something that is so fucking limited... If they had built a OS based on their main OSX it'd be much better, you could download etc... Seriously... It doesn't even support FLASH LOL, once again you have to open another app for youtube instead of going directly in the browser..
I'm actually impressed by it. Don't think I'll buy it, but I'm impressed.

Especially, if the apps and OS work as fast as Apple promises. At this point of technology, when you advertise something is fast, it should genuinely be... Can't wait to see myself.

There are two things I'm wondering...

I wonder if the display is easy to look at, when browsing the internet or reading books? I HATE reading longer texts from my computer display.

Also, I would need to feel that in my hand. I don't know what you guys think, but whenever an Apple representative is holding one of those things in his hand, I'm literally WAITING for it to slip off his hands and drop on the ground... :lol: also, aren't you basically touching it all the time with your other hand when you're holding it? This is likely taken into consideration.

As I said, I'm waiting for the iPad to hit the stores. I'll probably go see it. Don't think I'm going to buy it though, I wouldn't think I'd have enough use for it.
Nicholas Carr of "The New Republic" said it quite well:

The iPad would be ideal for a three-handed person—two hands to hold it and another to manipulate its touchscreen—but most humans, alas, have only a pair of hands.


And about the speed? Of course it's fast! It runs iPhone apps on a much more capable CPU and only one at a time. And for reading... well it will be just as eye-straining as any LCD.

It's a better netbook than the Kindle DX and a better e-book reader than a netbook (due to display size and handling): a jack of many trades, but master of none.
I see the point of this machine as being that its intended for people who want to do internets, check mail and listen to music, but don't want a computer.

people who want to play games, but don't want a console.

and i think in that regard it will be a success, in that for many, many people it will make it easy to play cool videogames and talk to mates on facebook without the relentless misery and shittyness of owning a "real" computer.

thats a colossal market right there.
fuck it, it may be a glorified ipod, but if i had $500 in my hand and wanted a handy little gadget for browsing internet on the toilet, watching videos and all sorts of general capers, this would be it.

and fuck netbooks. :rock:

At first i was a bit nonplussed but to be honest its gonna do great for just those reasons!
I was completely stoked for this to come out and im usually 100% happy with whatever apple makes...but after watching the vids on the release its such a waste...i already have an iphone so i was really hopin for it to have snow leopard on it with the webcam and all that shit...major fail on apples part for this one...maybe in a year or two they will rethink it and give it a makeover...till then ill stick with my iphone
I don't think about multitasking very often, but I started to appreciate it after I tried to stick with just one task at a time today. Apart from that deficiency I'd be very interested... but without multitasking it wouldn't even hold my interest if it gave blowjobs and paid for my drinks. I didn't think I'd be this disappointed, but hopefully that's fixed soon.

First, you're reading 'bravado' into my post somehow and I'm not quite seeing where. (Did I miss the part where I said I'd wrestle a lion if anyone dared to challenge me? I would probably have remembered that.)

Second, I had seen that post - I'm not sure what's attractive about the stripped-down OS, the unusually awkward (even by slate standards) detachable body, the 'underpowered like a netbook, priced and sized like a notebook' merging, and the continued lack of an application really worth mentioning, but I guess I'll try one sooner or later. In any case, the problem with tablets is the lack of notable apps that appeal to 'normal people', not the fact that there wasn't a fancy enough way to switch from slate to laptop - if you're worried about manufacturers adding no value and just going for fancy gadget points, I hardly see how you could pick that as your favorite.

Finally, it seems like you're just trying to jump right by my point with whatever excuse you think you can find - tablet functionality isn't the 'latest' (the only way to get less 'current' is to advertise pointing devices that look like nipples as the wave of the future), it's hardly seen as being 'hip' (in fact, I hardly see them advertised at all, much less as "Hey, this really *isn't* a useless extra feature that average people won't have any use for!"), and 'gimmick' *implies that it adds no real value*. Poorly-marketed and supported, sure, but not adding any value? Dead wrong.


More pain in the ass, big man online attitude, super.

I have no desire to bear witness to your ridiculous behaviour anymore. You are clearly incapable of having a reasonable discussion with a human being without behaving like a 14 year old on xbox live. Wake up to yourself, you absolute tool.
You're still trying to pretend 'internet tough guy' is going to fit? You misread what I say, you come to some bizarre conclusion about how I probably get off from *insert whatever poorly-fit stereotype you're pulling next*, and then accuse me of being 'unable to have a reasonable discussion' when you seem completely oblivious to the point I'm trying to make... yeah, that works.

Back on point, while this is not a product for me I do think it will put the kindle out of it's misery.
...And actually if yamaha were to release a studio manager app I would buy it.
I've seen exactly one - a guy in a cigar lounge... he also only brought it in once (that I can remember), and I haven't seen them around campus or in coffeeshops.

You're still trying to pretend 'internet tough guy' is going to fit? You misread what I say, you come to some bizarre conclusion about how I probably get off from *insert whatever poorly-fit stereotype you're pulling next*, and then accuse me of being 'unable to have a reasonable discussion' when you seem completely oblivious to the point I'm trying to make... yeah, that works.


it's pretty clear that you don't get just how great they are in those applications. I'm with you on 3DTV sucking, but either explain what you have against tablets (and why you can't base it on reality) or get a better idea of what's going on with them.

This is where it started. Totally unwarranted hostility, no semblance of making discussion simply stating that I'm wrong and I don't understand and generally being self important, because if I don't feel the same way about something as you I must be wrong right. Do you actually think you are justified in responding to me in this fashion? That this constitutes a reasonable, mature discussion? God I hope not, I don't even want to think about how unpleasant it must be to be in the same room as you if you do.

Finally, it seems like you're just trying to jump right by my point with whatever excuse you think you can find

This is ultimately where it comes to a head. More self importance, revealing no intention to talk about something like a rational human being in favour of just shoving your opinion into my face and fuck me if I have a problem with the hideous and unacceptable way you choose to deliver your genius outlook. I have no idea how you arrived at this nonsense conclusion, my ideas and opinions are my own, the fact that you find similarities therein to yours suggests that maybe we're on the same general page, simply disagreeing on the details and maybe I don't deserve to be lambasted with your scorn and condescending attitude.

Hopefully you can see from this how I might be offended by the way you've spoken to me despite simply trying to have a friendly discussion about emergent technologies (volatile subject matter though it seems to be), and why I might look for the most obvious explanation for such an overcharged reaction to totally innocuous stimuli.