Heathen Crusade...

With the help of Steve "Vibrations of Doom" Cannon, who dropped by the studio last night, we pimped this show on WREKage and I played some Thyrfing. :rock:

Edit: I see they played some Moonsorrow later, too :D

You can listen to the show for a full week afterward -- assuming the streaming and archiver were both working properly -- at the site above, in damn-near CD quality mp3 audio. Playlists are also available.
Pellaz said:
With the help of Steve "Vibrations of Doom" Cannon, who dropped by the studio last night, we pimped this show on WREKage and I played some Thyrfing. :rock:

Edit: I see they played some Moonsorrow later, too :D

You can listen to the show for a full week afterward -- assuming the streaming and archiver were both working properly -- at the site above, in damn-near CD quality mp3 audio. Playlists are also available.

Hey, Paul:

Does your show have a simotaneaous (bad spelling today) podcast? I just got an iPod and want to start adding shows that I generally can't listen to!

MetalRose said:
Hey, Paul:

Does your show have a simotaneaous (bad spelling today) podcast? I just got an iPod and want to start adding shows that I generally can't listen to!



I'm a little confused over this Shiny New Word, 'podcast.' It conjures up thoughts of happy little podlings dancing around...before getting bashed around and eaten by Garthim. :)

If 'podcast' basically means "Look, it streams in realtime and you can listen to it live," then yes, the show is listenable. The 'listen' link at www.wrekage.org should function as a live link between midnight Friday to 6am Saturday (ET), but it's for high-speed connections (and sounds good). At other times it should take you to the archive.
For lower bandwidths, you can listen live or to the archive via www.wrek.org , which has a low-speed link as well as the high-speed.

And now that I've got my 'puter rigged through my stereo at the new house, I'm gonna go listen right now. \m/ It's amazing how lousy I sound as a deejay...but then again, it's not as if we get paid for hosting WREKage, either. It's just us, some CDs, some requests, and no corporate playlists. :grin:
MetalRose said:
I'll put in that link and see if it works! On a side note, didn't you promise that I could come to the studio and hang out one night during PPVI and we just never did?


It would have had to have been Friday night during the show, and I never made it there either. It was an odd week for WREKage, as three of the deejays (and one former deejay) were at ProgPower or Obituary.

Repeat the above three times. :D
We will be giving away CDs, Posters, Stickers, Flyers from different labels that has sent us things. Also, if you want to give out your promo CDs or anything like that, Please bring it.