In all honesty Norse beliefs are utterly idiotic, at least as much so as Christian mythology. I understand the word pantheon, although I realize that having just learned what it meant you may think others won't understand it. You claim to promote free thought and then endorse bashing Christianity. You understand that that implies poor logic and a great deal of spittle flying, yes?
As far as destroying pagan religions, that was a political, rather than religious, process. My understanding with the norse religions is that it was necessary for the kings, who converted willingly, to convert their subjects to both justify their rule and establish unity. As far as the various festivals, that's both so commonly known and so fucking irrelevant that I have to wonder why you included it.
Obviously I like this forum, the content of the forum does not consist of "heathen pride, heathen honour, heathen victory!" (because buying expensive handmade leather goods will bring back the old ways), it's about Amon Amarth.