Christianity may not be the root of all evil, but they sure as hell held the monopoly on it for nearly 1700 years.
Uh-huh. Because nothing bad happened outside of Europe during that period.
Lets start out with Jesus was killed by Roman Pagans and Jews. This was a lie produced by the Church as a means to promote Hatred. He was actually killed by a Christian named Longinus. Longinus was a Captain in the Roman Army and a Christian. It was he who lunged his spear into Jesus' side. They Murdered their own God and blamed other people as a way to promote Hatred.
It's interesting that you actually think there are accurate records of an event that occurred almost 2000 years ago at a time when almost no one could read or right.
It's also interesting that you think there were Christians before the death of Christ. Yes, Jesus had disciples, but they were not what you'd call a Christian today, since a lot of stuff was fabricated after his death.
Heathenry is based on 40,000 years of Tradition. 40,000 years of Heroes, Warriors, and Champions.
Uh...40,000? If you define "heathenry" as anything pre-christian, than yes. But that's pretty fucking stupid since we have no idea what was happening beyond 7,000 years ago (4000 BC) aside from some cave drawings.
Get up work for a living and take care of your family.
Yup, unlike that lazy Christian work ethic where they just sit around all fucking day abandoning their children.
You can not compare 40,000 years of History to 1700 years. It is illogical. Your a Retard if you attempt to do so.
Yeah, if Christians want people to believe in Jesus they should have started existing 38,000 years earlier. Good call.
Who would I rather worship given the Choice. Thor who God of Thunder, Strength, and the Protector of Working Men or The Christian god who is the God of Murderers, Liars, Coward, Hypocrites, and Pedophiles.
Uh-huh. Pre-Christian Scandinavia was a perfect society in which no-one ever fought or lied or murdered or was cowardly or hypocritical or fucked children. Damn fucking straight.
I am a Teutate Druid and Priest of Artio the Bear Goddess who is the Daughter of the Northmans King of Bears and God of Light.
You're a fucking idiot. Go dance with a bear.
The Heathens are my cousins I will not tolerate the Disrespect of this Moron We are in Flames.
I'm trying to remember how I disrespected heathen beliefs. I'm pretty sure I simply evaluated them logically and found that they were not in fact inherently superior to Christian beliefs and that ancestor worship was fucking worthless.
Yeah, here's the thing: that's not actually true. So you're gonna have to shut the fuck up and learn something.
Hitler viewed religion as a tool. There was no place for it in his perfect society, but because it was established among Germans he simply used it to do what he wanted. Pagan beliefs were encouraged among many Nords in order to encourage them to fight with the strong, manly Aryan army.
Christians have done way worse stuff than the nazi's
Point to one fucking thing. 11 million people died in concentration camps and the total casualties of WWII are estimated above 20 million. If you'll just point me to the 20 million people who were brutally murdered in the name of Christ oh right, they weren't. Yes, many pagans were burned or hung or shanked. Many. I doubt the numbers are in the hundreds of thousands. As for the Crusades, there simply were not all that many people in the world at that time. Less than a billion. A couple million people died in the crusades, tops. People love to say "more people died for Jesus than Hitler." I used to say that too. Then one day I actually thought about it and realized, no they fucking did it. If you prefer qualification over quantification, I'm pretty sure Mengele beats the Inquisition.
He accused me of having a special bible printed up.
Yeah, the thing that bothers me the most about Christianity is that most of them have no fucking clue what they believe. That's one of the things I respect most about Martin Luther, but America is mostly protestant and they still don't know what they're doing.
Love and take care of your Family.
Fight, Bleed, Kill, and Die for your Home.
Yeah, Christians would never care for their families or defend their homes. You do realize that these are the principle tennents of civilization. Care for and defend your society. There is no society on earth that does not embrace these.
I do have to admit that after the Christians forced people into submission and while they were forcing people. Great Technology was created. America would not have happened the same way without Christianity. I have to admit that as well.
That's probably not true, and one more reason to dislike the Church. The Scientific revolution occurred
despite Christianity. It's capitalism that was key. For example, Galileo was placed under house arrest by the Church. Basically, Christianity itself distinctly hindered Scientific progress. I think if the Roman empire had not overextended and collapsed we would all be speaking Latin and driving flying cars with our minds by now.