Heathen Pride, Heathen Honour, Heathen victory!

You know which Jesus. He can walk on water. He can turn water into wine.

Can you turn hearts into stone and keep them beating ever outward?

Maybe in your head he can, and hearts are outside of my area of expertise for I am not a cardiologist. However, to hold a still-beating, still-bleeding heart in my hand would be most exhilarating.
Which tense are you talking about? Sure, you may not have one, you may never have had one, but who is to say you will never have one? Can you pin your faith on doubt based on it's very nature?

Do you know who your Antichrist is, or do you still take the surviving words for whole truth?
All religion is dumb. Dumping on one religion and praising the other is the whole reason why there are religious wars in the first place... I'll take Norse mythology in metal because it's cool and epic, but not because I actually believe in that crap...
No, I'm not a troll. This is actually what I'm getting at with the religious thing, because that apple is working on you too. you can conceptualize good and bad things, which are relative to your life. For me, positivity is a good thing, and negativity is a bad thing. Just because you interpret and judge differently doesn't make you any more justified than I.

In that case, however, consider yourself justified. Now what will you do?
Well Well Well I get sick and am away from work a while and look what happens!! Now my thread be filled with trolls, Random posters and those who prefer to seperate metal from religion when most metal is filled with anti or pro religion of some form or other...

LMAO what have I created!!!

Keep up the banter folks, i got a heap of work to do today but i will be back posting soon :rock:
Everything is control. Recently discovered means of self justification, if nothing else...

Love the hate. Hate the love. Ain't no god but the Human Gods who can do that :D
Christianity may not be the root of all evil, but they sure as hell held the monopoly on it for nearly 1700 years.

Lets start out with Jesus was killed by Roman Pagans and Jews. This was a lie produced by the Church as a means to promote Hatred. He was actually killed by a Christian named Longinus. Longinus was a Captain in the Roman Army and a Christian. It was he who lunged his spear into Jesus' side. They Murdered their own God and blamed other people as a way to promote Hatred.

The Roman Empire may of Conquered other Pagan Peoples, but they never forced them to convert. Just pay taxes to and fight for the Empire. It was not until the Pragmatist Constantine Converted the Roman Empire to Christianity that they started Forcing people to convert. The reason he did this is he saw it as the most peaceful solution to stopping Christians from Killing Farmers and then Raping their corpses.

Constintine gathered up all the Christian Leaders and it was called the Council of Nicaea. Only 2/3s of the people who walked into that meeting walked out. They murdered each other. That was the birth of the bible and the Catholic Church.

Heathenry is based on 40,000 years of Tradition. 40,000 years of Heroes, Warriors, and Champions. Primary teaching. Get up work for a living and take care of your family. I really see how idiotic that is. If because your a Christian you too fucking stupid to figure out I was being Sarcastic, then I will tell you. I was being Sarcastic while agreeing with you.

You can not compare 40,000 years of History to 1700 years. It is illogical. Your a Retard if you attempt to do so.

Who would I rather worship given the Choice. Thor who God of Thunder, Strength, and the Protector of Working Men or The Christian god who is the God of Murderers, Liars, Coward, Hypocrites, and Pedophiles.

I am a Teutate Druid and Priest of Artio the Bear Goddess who is the Daughter of the Northmans King of Bears and God of Light.

The Heathens are my cousins I will not tolerate the Disrespect of this Moron We are in Flames.
I discovered a while back that I fit in better with Heathens and Asatru a lot better than I fit in with Wiccans. I am very proud to honour my Teutate, Nordic, and Native American Ancestry.

I am even apart of an internet roleplay room called "The Isle of Hunjer". It is based on the Chronicles of Gor by John Norman. The Isle of Hunjer in the books is in an area known as Torvaldsland. Torvaldslanders are the Descendants of Vikings who were taken to this planet.

In order to show as much respect for the Viking peoples as possible, I tracked down a friend of mine who was Asatru to be the Rune Priest/Godhi in the Room.

He calls Me the Tolerable Druid. He was actually surprised that I had that much respect for the Viking Peoples.

My only Answer was, I am Daniel "The Bear" Blood Descendant of Rollo the Butcher of Christians.
All religion is dumb. Dumping on one religion and praising the other is the whole reason why there are religious wars in the first place... I'll take Norse mythology in metal because it's cool and epic, but not because I actually believe in that crap...

Well said. I love Norse mythology but it is just that, mythology, just like christian mythology, aka the bible. I must say though that the christian religion is by far the worst in my opinion. they've committed more atrocities and been responsible for more death and wars than any other group in history. Christians have done way worse stuff than the nazi's but for some reason if you tell people in America you're a christian most of them look at you as a good person, tell them you're a nazi and most of them would call you scum. Plus the mindlessness of the whole religion thing just astounds me.
Eventually, any group/society that evolved past hunter / gatherer has led to some kind of social stratification. Therefore, anger towards religion, and self proclaimed faith in so called pagan gods is just utter non sense as any group faith always had the intention of putting one group under the allegiance of another. It is my view that they all lead to the coercion of one strat of society upon another. All ultimately led by political and religious (of any kind) power stratification. Same applied to early viking societies. I find it ironic that some claim that living under some ancestral pseudo "heathen honor" would lead them to a better life, which usually (applied to today's standards) entails "skin color, superiority, etc" and from reading some of the "heathen" non-sense on the forum leads me to believe the same theory.
Reading the OP thread makes me chuckle as his post is filled with historical non-sense and is the pure plagiarism of what plagues today's world about misconception of ancient world views. (in this case, viking era).
Reading the original post bored me, it offered nothing new but whoring yourself out to being a victim of what happened centuries ago. You make it sound as if anyone who listens to AA has some sort of inner viking spirit to defeat the ills of this world, which is as stupid as running to your local store to buy a Mjolnir and think you are the heathen's last hope for survival.
AA is running a business (a band) not a charity and stone circle for 17yo who want to change the face of their town by wishing all christians in their town end up on the gallows.
Regardless of what old tradition means, find me one group who under some "deities" has not killed his brother, neighbor, etc.
I got bored of posting on this forum because being a supposed heathen or AA fan was the new trendy thing to be. Their latest albums are just showing it, the forums are showing it, they are capitalizing on the success, younger crowd. I still love the music but really could care less for the message, it bores me. I guess they found their niche.
If you want to argue, don't speak in tongues, don't cut and paste you new favorite heathen bands lyrics, come up with something original. Most of what I read just leads me to believe that people bitch about religion and christianity, and most are just sheeps to whatever else they believe is the right "belief".
That's my view, feel free to comment.
Well said. I love Norse mythology but it is just that, mythology, just like christian mythology, aka the bible. I must say though that the christian religion is by far the worst in my opinion. they've committed more atrocities and been responsible for more death and wars than any other group in history. Christians have done way worse stuff than the nazi's but for some reason if you tell people in America you're a christian most of them look at you as a good person, tell them you're a nazi and most of them would call you scum. Plus the mindlessness of the whole religion thing just astounds me.

Nazi's were Christians.

As far as the word Mythology goes it does not mean fiction. If you break down the word it just means "Study of Old Stories". I would bet money that some of it is crap, but it has its own truth in it, like the lessons it teaches.

Joshnir do you believe in fighting for your Home and taking care of your family? Those are the primary teachings of Heathenry.