heavy bands with high pitch vocals


Aug 10, 2002
I really enjoy vocals with a high register but the problem for me is the guitar sound... the sound is happy and "thin". And it seems that all these power, speed metal bands sound this way nowadays. I don't know how to explain it better but I hope you understand.

So, can you recommend me bands with high vocals but with heavy, really heavy guitar sound? Imagine a death metal band with high vocals or something like that. I remember that I've listend to something similiar between the 80's and 90's.

Iced Earth with Ripper (Framing Armageddon)<--pretty good

Judas Priest with Ripper (Jugulator)<--kickass
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Fates Warning - Awaken The Guardian
The vocals are insanely high. The guitars aren't the heaviest, but they're actually surprisingly heavy for 80s prog metal. Also, that album is fucking amazing.
I'm not much into really high register "air raid siren" vocals, but you might want to check out some stuff with the vocalist Kelly Sundown Carpenter-he's got a great range and does kick ass power metal screams. I mean seriously godlike screams.
Outworld (Carlos Zema, who replaced him,is also great)
Beyond Twilight