Bands with good Death and clean vocals


Mar 7, 2009
Any bands you could recommend that have bad ass death vocals but good clean as well... Something like Opeth.
Along the line of Scar Symmetry, Soilwork.


Cynic doesn't qualify as badass in any way. Cool, definitely, but not badass.
Swallow the Sun, one of those bands I always forget about until a song comes on during shuffle and I am like "How do I keep forgetting this band"
I second Novembers Doom though I wish he sang more than spoke monotone doom vocals a little more often. Still better than Dan Swano's epicly cheesy cleans about princesses and all that nonsense.

i really don't grab their popularity. to me they are just too pompous and cheesy. there's not much spirituality in their plastic pagan metal
its not that, its the fact that Turisas dont have death growls.

The Varangian Way does on a few tracks: "Cursed Be Iron," "Five Hundred and One," "Dnieper Rapids."


i really don't grab their popularity. to me they are just too pompous and cheesy. there's not much spirituality in their plastic pagan metal

Yeah, that's the common complaint people have with them. I think they're fun, though. I don't mind the cheesy symphonics, and I like the theatricality of their performance. All in all, I think they just have fun doing what they do.