Metal with clean vocals and lots of guitar wankery?


New Metal Member
Aug 18, 2010
I'm looking for some bands with clean vocals, like Falconer, and lots of guitar wankery. That shits sounds awesome. What bands do you recommend? Oh, and the heavier the guitar work, the better.
I was hoping for something heavier and less pop sounding than bands like Judas Priest and Motley Crue.
protest the hero and maybe periphery(not really wankish but very meshuggah esque)
Dude, just google "power metal" and listen to everything on there.

It's an entire genre about clean vocals and guitar wankery, and it's awesome.

For the heavier-guitar end of the spectrum, try Iced Earth or Demons & Wizards. For the ultimate in guitar wankery, there's always DragonForce. :goggly:
both power metal and progressive metal work here. Don't listen to dragonforce though, they're the low end of the spectrum when it comes to this cheesy genre. If anything I would recommend Symphony X, Shadow Gallery, or even Kamelot. If you want just complete wankery with no real sense of direction go for later Dream Theater.
If you want something with balls, how about the last few A7X albums? Or Mendeed? The Confession?

If you want power metal, check out Avantasia.
Try Oracle's As Darkness Reigns. Stupidly excessive power/thrash (with more emphasis on power) with three minute Yngwie-clone wank sections in most of its songs.