Heavy Birthday



peace \/m
Originally posted by MaStEr666Of666DisHaRmOny
haha cool...was alittle confused..to many Russell's i guess lol but there can be only one...so russell...i challange you to a duel...the victor shall keep the name Russell..and the loser shall parish *overly exagerated evil laughter*

Nah, sorry dude, I'll just wish you a happy birthday :p And I think you meant perish, I don't have much to do with my parish as it happens :D

And congrats on the exams Cora :)
Happy birthday Metal Girl!!!!!
And you thought I would forget it...... no way!
I got you this really special gift too, go look!!


I wish you a great day and all the happiness, health and metal in the world for the rest of your life!!!

xoxoxoxox Marlies
...and a very Heavy Beersday (sorry, Marlies...I had to borrow this expression here) to our already (or is it always?) drunken Finn, mr k-mak! Kippis! :D