Heavy Djentish Progcore idk mix....

Sep 19, 2006
Working on a mix for my band and pretty much feel like im beating my head against a wall...I'm having a hard time getting the recording to sound while keeping clarity. I guess the part im dissatisfied with the most would be the guitars/bass.

Please help me out by tearing my mix apart so I learn from it and make it better:rolleyes:

any and all criticism please and thank you

Updated Link 10/29: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1994423/Chills & Thrills (Rough).mp3
I'm using pod farm the diamond plate amp with a tubescreamer and te catharsis spreshigh impulse. I know I don't like the treble either but I'm having a hard time getting all the individual notes to be heard clearly and getting a decent bass tone is driving me nuts
Guitars sound a bit to undergained for my taste... to mid-heavy as well... pull it back a little... they are also sticking WAY out in front for my taste... pull them back into the mix a bit...

The kick could use a slight boost in the top end, maybe 5k or 8k... somewhere in there... the snare could probably benefit from this too...
Ok I made some changes based on the suggestions I was given. I think I'm having a lot of battles in the low end of the spectrum but I'm a rook still so hopefully someone can point out what I should do. I'm having trouble getting the guitars to cut through the mix with out making them sound sharp and more digital than they already are. I tried scooping out around 300-400hz and it helped a little. I think my main issue is my bass.

Right now I have the bass split and the DI track is being squashed in L3. but I'm actually really bad at using compressors/limiters not to mention multiband so if you guys have any tips on how to tame the low end from the bass I'd really appreciate it.

here's the updated link.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1994423/Chills & Thrills (Rough).mp3
funniest kick drum you've ever heard? I think that's a little dramatic. there's no delay on anything on this mix. I don't know what stereo image is supposed to be on the kick but it's dead center. I'm using s2.0 for drums. Thanks for helping me improve my mix?
Not a fan of the kick either,it has to much low mids I guess, sounds like a basketball.
I would try to add some 60-80hz and somewhere 4-6k to get more punch, if it`s too much in your face then back down the attack with a transient tool to take away the "dryness".
that's weird that you think there's too much low mids because theres a -14db pull on 240hz. I want to get a Veil of Maya type kick drum so I didn't wanna boost 4-6k. it was at about 1.5k but i raised to about 2.5k with like a 10db boost. also the low end boost is at about 70hz