Heavy Hood Mix


No Care Ever
it's been a while since i posted a mix, so i figured i'd throw this up.
The music isn't anything groundbreaking, but considering the guitar players are both 15, i'd say it's pretty damn good.
I remember the kind of crap i use to play at age 15(creed) hahaha.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/536384/With No Remorse/Song 2.mp3

guitars are 5150, bass is Warwick 5 string>sansamp with Maxon 808 in the fx loop>some sort of SWR head, ampeg 8x12>AKG D112>API A2D
drums are all slate. Considering the style of music, i opted out of blending the mics in with it.

This was just a weekend 2 song demo, so not much time to add anything cool unfortunately
it's been a while since i posted a mix, so i figured i'd throw this up.
The music isn't anything groundbreaking, but considering the guitar players are both 15, i'd say it's pretty damn good.
I remember the kind of crap i use to play at age 15(creed) hahaha.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/536384/With No Remorse/Song 2.mp3

guitars are 5150, bass is Warwick 5 string>sansamp with Maxon 808 in the fx loop>some sort of SWR head, ampeg 8x12>AKG D112>API A2D
drums are all slate. Considering the style of music, i opted out of blending the mics in with it.

This was just a weekend 2 song demo, so not much time to add anything cool unfortunately
You mic bass amps? I've never done that actually, I've always done DI
Sounds good as usual dude. I had great success micing up a swr this week too, normally don't do it cos most bassists have shitty rigs.
ah brian, haven't heard any of your mixes in too long!

good stuff, liking the guitar tone a lot!

as you said, not groundbreaking stuff, but it's still really listenable, which is what matters! aha.

the 5150 fits your mixes perfectly, BTW. I'm finding our Dual Tremoverb working much better for me lately...
Yeah the kids are doing well for 15. Now if only they develop some taste with age, they'll turn into a force to be reckoned with.

Sounding great for a weekend demo. GG man.

+1 to Joey. One of the most overlooked skills by any young guitarists tends to be vibrato. You can usually tell the quality of a guitarist by whether they shake that thing like a bitch, or make it their bitch.
+1 to Joey. One of the most overlooked skills by any young guitarists tends to be vibrato. You can usually tell the quality of a guitarist by whether they shake that thing like a bitch, or make it their bitch.

absolutely. most kids dont recognize that FEEL comes first when making music, not FAST. thats why we have tons of shitty "fast and technical" bands.