Hell has officially frozen over...

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
I just saw a HAMMERFALL video on MTV2 :OMG:

To everyone who thinks this is no big deal, think of it this way...a US MTV network just played powermetal...could this signal a possible resurgence in REAL metal in the US?
If prog and power metal get played on TV were you live, it will be at least 10 years before it becomes big here.
Yngvai X said:
I just saw a HAMMERFALL video on MTV2 !:OMG:

To everyone who thinks this is no big deal, think of it this way...a US MTV network just played powermetal...could this signal a possible resurgence in REAL metal in the US?

I saw that too!! But man U had to watch a whole lot of crap just to see something like that..??? Can't they play anything else good? That was my 1st time watching the new "headbangers ball". And so far I am not impressed yet, but I will give it another try, I just can't sit through that "other" crap for long..:erk::ill:
i don't want my beloved metal being played on MTV damnit!!!! To hell with the mainstream... i want the bands i love to make money, but i don't want everyone and their dog knowing about them.... it's not as pure that way.
First of all, this is MTV2 (not as recognised as the normal MTV), second, I didn't hear anyone complain when Dream Theater's Pull Me Under got regular rotation on the original Headbangers Ball :rolleyes:

If this gets some of the more underground/european styles of metal more exposure in the US then Im all for it. You know, I'd like to be able to see Angra play in a venue larger than a dive like Lamours in front of more than 200 people when they come here. Its not like MTV is gonna start playing The Bards Song on TRL, but if they show the odd powermetal video on Headbangers Ball every now and then it might just give powermetal a foothold that it needs for some of these bands to play over here...you know, the way it is in the rest of the world.
my problem is the mroe than 200 people it attracts will most likely be the limp bizkit and linkin park assholes that mtv (both 1 and 2) cater to. The US crowd is different than the rest of the world and that's not good.
theodyssey said:
my problem is the mroe than 200 people it attracts will most likely be the limp bizkit and linkin park assholes that mtv (both 1 and 2) cater to. The US crowd is different than the rest of the world and that's not good.

Something tells me the linkin park crowd would look at a band like Hammerfall with the leather and chains and long hair and call them "gay." While thrash, death, and black fans might dig it.
possibly. Don't get me wrong, i want the bands i love to succede. I don't want iced earth and symphony x to still have to have day jobs, because that sucks. I just want to still enjoy concerts i go to.
theodyssey said:
possibly. Don't get me wrong, i want the bands i love to succede. I don't want iced earth and symphony x to still have to have day jobs, because that sucks. I just want to still enjoy concerts i go to.

Of course. I doubt that even with more exposure these bands would reach the status of say, even Dream Theater, who are only playing seated venues now (which sucks because I HATE seated venues, I don't want to pay 50 bucks for a ticket just to sit in the back). It was nice to see Blind Guardian headlining the clubs they were, and hopefully someday Symphony X will reach the level of success where they'll headline the same venues they opened for BG in.
Yngvai X said:
Something tells me the linkin park crowd would look at a band like Hammerfall with the leather and chains and long hair and call them "gay." While thrash, death, and black fans might dig it.

Well... Hammerfal is pretty gay... (so is Linkin Park)
It is very selfish to say that you don’t want to see everybody listening to the music you like. Man these power metal bands don’t even have enough money to have a decent tour, ask “Primal Fear” what happen when the God of Metal Tour was cancelled in the US. Man I’m happy to see a Hammerfall video playing on HBB because that means that more people are going to be interested in my music and Hammerfall might have more new fans. US market is the most important market in the world and for a band like Hammerfall that is very important. I saw Hammerfall in 1998 and they play the concert for free, they only charged the promoter with the airfare, hotel and the food, the promoter charged $10 for the gig to pay the expenses. Hope Hammerfall, Symphony X and all the other power metal bands make it to the Mainstream to they can have the reward of everything they have done all these years.
I actually think MTV2 should show some prog BEFORE power. I think its more accesable to the everyday person. Definately not musicly, but the whole atmosphere and cheeziness turns alot of people off power matal (including me sometimes) I've shown alot of people power metal (friends, family ct..) and I've had a 0 success rate of them likeing it. But when I show DT, SyX, Andromeda, Mag 9 or Power of Omens I get a few "that is cools" ect... as its not as "poofy" as power metal (IMO).
ProgMetalFan said:
BTW, Aghora, Kate Bush and Bjork all rule.

Isn't Aghora supposed to have a new album out this year?
I hope to Masvidal they they have a new album out.

Aghora and Bjork do indeed rule and so does John McLaughlin. I'm not actually as Kate Bush fan but i thought it would be funny to make a statement like "Kate Bush rules!" in a forum of metalheads.