Hell has officially frozen over...

peavy_fan said:
It is very selfish to say that you don’t want to see everybody listening to the music you like. Man these power metal bands don’t even have enough money to have a decent tour, ask “Primal Fear” what happen when the God of Metal Tour was cancelled in the US. Man I’m happy to see a Hammerfall video playing on HBB because that means that more people are going to be interested in my music and Hammerfall might have more new fans. US market is the most important market in the world and for a band like Hammerfall that is very important. I saw Hammerfall in 1998 and they play the concert for free, they only charged the promoter with the airfare, hotel and the food, the promoter charged $10 for the gig to pay the expenses. Hope Hammerfall, Symphony X and all the other power metal bands make it to the Mainstream to they can have the reward of everything they have done all these years.

My thoughts exactly, although i'm not a power metal fan:loco:
I find it really amusing that someone thinks the airing of a Hammerfall vid will magically open up the floodgates and usher in a golden age of metal. No offense Yngvai. And Aghora kicks ass and I hope they do produce another album...but their replacement bass player Alan Goldstein left quickly (he has some live stuff and his own material on IUMA, check it out.)

np: amorphis - higher ground
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I hope to Masvidal they they have a new album out.

Aghora and Bjork do indeed rule and so does John McLaughlin. I'm not actually as Kate Bush fan but i thought it would be funny to make a statement like "Kate Bush rules!" in a forum of metalheads.

I know a lot of metalheads who love the brilliant work of Kate Bush.
MTV audiences will never dig power metal, and thats not a bad thing because 95% of power metal is pretty crappy anyway. There are very few standouts. And they won't play prog-metal a whole lot because not too many prog-metal bands release music videos.
The only good power-metal band I can think of is "ANGRA" They rock. (Imagine the little smilie guy here, 'coz I couldn't be stuffed going in to advance reply and clicking on the smilies)
Vision Devine are also pretty decent power-metal. I like dragonforce aswell, even though they are Rhapsody wanna-bee's the guitarist Herman "shred" Li has some amazing solo's.
Demonspell said:
I find it really amusing that someone thinks the airing of a Hammerfall vid will magically open up the floodgates and usher in a golden age of metal. No offense Yngvai. And Aghora kicks ass and I hope they do produce another album...but their replacement bass player Alan Goldstein left quickly (he has some live stuff and his own material on IUMA, check it out.)

np: amorphis - higher ground

I don't think it will "magically" create a golden age of metal. But I think the fact that it was even played in the first place, they could prospectively play more bands in this genre in the future, maybe powermetal could gain a larger place in the underground metal scene in the US the way it is in Europe.
i understand it's selfish, which is where i have the problem. I stated that i want the bands to succede and not have to have day jobs. Re-read if you missed that part. At the same time, i don't want the everyday person listening to the same music. I want to avoid the Linkin Park syndrome... fans who are just into it because it's trendy. IF (and that is a big IF) Hammerfall or Gamma Ray, or even bands like Nightwish, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, or Symphony X become even sort of big in the mainstream, it taints the fan base which is the reason i am so into the metal scene beyond the music. There is a purity of people who love the music, not because it's "cool" but because they will take something they enjoy and possibly be ridiculed as a result over some trendy shit. That's my whole point... i don't want that to change. Does that make any sense at all???
Well with prog, if it ever becomes big - it would be 'coz of the music NOT that there are heaps of long hair guys with big drumkits.

Ps - To anyone that was around (in a rememberal age at least) when Pull me Under was getting air-play in MTV - Was it shortened? 'coz 8 mins is a long clip for MTV.
Fireworks is one of there worst *(IMO)* try Rebirth! The high-pitched singer (Matos) has left and they have got a better one (Edu)*(IMO)*

Its alot worst.
The problem is not that MTV and other music chanels don't play power metal or prog, the problem is that they don't play good music. I don't consider Hammerfall to be the highlight of power metal, and as long as nothing at least decent is played, I won't start cheering.

This means, I don't think they should stop playing pop music, rap, nu-metal or anything else, because there are people who like it. But they should play all kinds of music so that everyone gets a chance to hear it, no matter what style it is in. As it is now, I'd say it's all communism, because they are dictating what we should listen to and unless you start asking yourself, "isn't there more to music than this crap?", you're fucked.

Give credit to the ones who deserve it, no matter what music they play. Can't we all just get along?