Hell Mike Motörbike did the stupidest thing in his life yesterday


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Well, you all know him as Sorath or fotmbm in case that wasn't clear...

Yesterday, he jumped out of a fourth floor window after drinking 7 beers. He's currently in the hospital with minor injuries, will probably have to remain in bed for a week or so.

I was the sole person with him in the flat at the time, I'm used to him doing stupid things when drunk but I couldn't imagine that he actually WOULD jump out of the fucking WINDOW...

Me: "Hm, perhaps I should try some snus"
Mike: "Say yes within 5 seconds or I'm jumping out of the window"
Mike: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, *jump*"

Clever eh? :D
holy shit ... that is fucking crazy.
i only seen shit like that in the movies.

hope he gets better soon so he can explain what went through his mind at the time :D
lmmfaao :lol: but...shit, fourth floor?! :eek: (doubles height from own bedroom window) aaaaagh! I can only imagine what the freefall was like. What did he land on? How the hell did he get away with minor injuries?!

If he's ok then...that's very cool :D
Aye, I was thinking, if he landed feet first you could've happily written off both legs :s but like you say, he hasn't, so :lol: Bless his heart!
I know beer is a little more potent over there, but 7 beers caused him to lose his mind? Were they half liters, did you eat beforehand? I wish I had that kind of tolerance, 7 beers and I am out of mind woud be quite wonderful.
hehe did he have to explain to the doctors as to why he ended up jumping out of that window? :D

if he does perhaps they'll start directing their attention more to the head area of his
he is fucking Jay ... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :D

I think they cut off your clothes to perform surgery on you... or so I've heard. But that's more for car accidents and stuff.

Mik can now be the Next Action Hero! :lol:

Good thing he wasn't badly hurt and may he get out of hospital soon. Then he can tell us about his (mis)adventure.

Oh, and Erik: your sig is so you. :p
Like Speed, I thought 7 beers? Huh???

And then I realized I've been living in America for 6 years. Most people in the US aren't even over the illegal driving limit on 7 beers.

But then it sounds like he would do this shit sober. Dirty Swede. I'm sure beating Malta 7-0 in the world cup qualifier didn't help. :loco:
Well, when Nashiem gets signed and whatnot, you could do a prize giveaway of the clothes he was wearing that night! Or sell em on eGay.

And, just how DID he land? I'm sure you were like "WTF?!? Holy shit!" and then laughing...

ANd everytime I see that damn avatar of Erik's out of the corner of my eye, I think I'm seeing Def Leppard's "On Through The Night" album cover.

I'll bet if he was sober he'd have like 7 broken legs. The survival instinct and relaxed physical nature are probably the only real benefits to getting wasted. Well, beyond the obvious. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Like Speed, I thought 7 beers? Huh???

And then I realized I've been living in America for 6 years. Most people in the US aren't even over the illegal driving limit on 7 beers.

But then it sounds like he would do this shit sober. Dirty Swede. I'm sure beating Malta 7-0 in the world cup qualifier didn't help. :loco:
Isn't your beer generally 1) in small cans and 2) REALLY REALLY WIMPY (3% or 4%) though?