Hellfest was amazing


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
My pal posted this on my facebookses, not sure where it came from but i lol'd.

Hellfest was amazing. Before you worry that my livejournal may have something other than lifting, this entry will be all the physical activity I did. On Friday I got lost driving to Hellfest so what should have been 30 minutes took an hour and a half. I finally got there at 4:15 and discovered I had a flat tire. I had to wait for AAA because my mom insisted that I not fix the tire because we pay AAA money so therefore I had to wait around for another hour. You might be wondering what this has to do with the lifting journal, well we didn't use a jack to lift up the car, I lifted it. Onto the music. Friday was pretty good. This one band that sucked and you couldnt understand what they were saying had the greatest line ever. The singer pauses, goes to the amp and turns it up and screams, I FUCKED YOUR WIFE, I FUCKED HER IN THE ASS. Everyone looked around wondering if he really said what we thought he did then everyone laughed. Later that night was Shadows Fall who put on an amazing show. I tore apart the pit. First up on Saturday was Horse the Band. They were amazing. And apparently we arent the only ones that knew about them because they were packed. I tore apart the pit by windmilling it up. Then I bought the greatest Horse shirt ever. Greg's Horse shirt is good but mines better. If you want to know what it is come hang out with me. Andrew WK played the place went absolutely nuts. The rest of the day I spent some time in the pit until it got time for Killswitch Engage. We knew we were in for something special when KsE's lead singer busted his mic on the lead guitarists head opening up a huge gash. During the show the lead singer offered 5 dollars to whoever licked the blood off the guitarists head and this black kid did it not once but twice, and didn't get paid. The pit was just out of control. I started to single handly lift people up to crowd surf. I even started to crowd surf. I took two dives, both times I did front flips off the stage taking out like 5 people each time. I knocked like 25 total people down between the stage dives and my pit exploits. The last song people tried to destroy me. It started by someone being thrown onto my head from behind me which wrenched my neck. Immediately after that I was hit in the head by someone diving off the stage. I stumbled back looking to get a rest for a sec when with my back turned I got kicked in the head by someone stagediving. I actually got knocked down. In fact I wrenched my back and lost feeling in my left arm but got up and tore some more shit apart. Soon after the pain went away. Overall Hellfest was amazing.