Hellfest,Whos Going?


Feb 18, 2006
In a similar thread to Whos Goin To Wacken, who's going to Hellfest?
I went last year, and if i remember so did Brett and some others from the forum. Last years lineup was amazing, and this years is also pretty good!
I was there last years. Band's great.... facilities, not so much.
The mud on the first day was unbearable. Apparently the organisation this year is much better, and the campsite is just outside the festival entrance. Also the two main stages are now side by side to each other, so no travelling across the site.
The mud on the first day was unbearable. Apparently the organisation this year is much better, and the campsite is just outside the festival entrance. Also the two main stages are now side by side to each other, so no travelling across the site.

Yeah and 2 dixi's for the whole festival. I didnt feel like going to the eco toilets like most people so I just pissed on spots where the day after people probably would have sat. Oh man... the stench on the last day. 3,5 Hour wait on the first day for the ticket check to start in a rainstorm wasnt cool either.

Hardcore headbanging to Emperor on the last day wearing poncho's and completely wet clothing standing next to the guys of Behemoth... Pretty brutal :worship::headbang:
Yeah and 2 dixi's for the whole festival. I didnt feel like going to the eco toilets like most people so I just pissed on spots where the day after people probably would have sat. Oh man... the stench on the last day. 3,5 Hour wait on the first day for the ticket check to start in a rainstorm wasnt cool either.

Hardcore headbanging to Emperor on the last day wearing poncho's and completely wet clothing standing next to the guys of Behemoth... Pretty brutal :worship::headbang:
Haha awsome, where behemoth fully dressed in their stage clothing?:loco:
I remember that rain just before emperor, was completely soaked by the time they came on. I remember waiting in a line on the saturday for half an hour of what i thought was a toilet, and when i got there, it was a shower.:guh: I asked the other people in line, who only spoke french, where the toilets where. I was told there was none.:Smug: Off to the field i went.
I have to play a show on th 21., but we`re coming on sunday! I mean, 50€ for opeth, motorhead, btbam and necrophagist, helllooo!?? FUCK YES!

btw, somebody coming to the summerbreeze? we`re playing on the newcomer stage this year! don`t miss us ;-)
the line up is always great. but the organisation and facilities are really shit. last year a stage burnt and some bands were cancelled.

And yeah Ultra Vomit are awesome. If you get some french, you'll laugh the whole set and even if you can't you'll have agreat time. They're a parody band (and really more than that).
HOLY FUCK WHAT AN AMAZING SHOW! Organization was top notch this year, I had zero complaints. Bands were fantastic too! Fuck I miss it already.

You must be kidding...
Never went to Hellfest before so I can't compare but the organization was fucked up! When we arrived nobody knew were the parking was and the police and security kept sending all into wrong directions for hours!
Taking 5 euros for that shitty washing tent was pathetic too...

Apart from that ALL the bands were fucking TOO LOUD, even for a festival and I've been to a lot before...

But on the contrary, the atmosphere on the festivalsite was awesome though and most bands were amazing too! Especially AT THE GATES, ICED EARTH, MESHUGGAH and MORBID ANGEL.

I was shocked Venom and Motörhead were pretty boring :(

Carcass was disappointing too.

And every band besides ANATHEMA had such a shitty brittle/muddy sound on the second stage that they sounded like shitty true black metal from the depths of plateness....
they were crap! i was so dissappointed....was max off his face he only played the bottom open string for most of the set?