Hellhammer drumming on new Dimmu album..

ProjectedBlack said:
I don't think a drummer using triggers automatically makes him suck

I never said that... I meant that when the kick drum or snare is the loudest, clickiest thing in the mix, it's pathetically blatant when the drummer is off.

Some drummers also use triggers that will play two or three bass drum hits for everyone they actually make.

...and for anyone who faults a triggered drummer for using kick-flams, I would like to point out that kick-flams are THE SINGLE HARDEST THING A DRUMMER CAN POSSIBLY LEARN TO DO.

Teh Grimarse said:
...and for anyone who faults a triggered drummer for using kick-flams, I would like to point out that kick-flams are THE SINGLE HARDEST THING A DRUMMER CAN POSSIBLY LEARN TO DO.


Not if the input is programmed to play accurately timed hits if the drummer is not in synch with the extra sounds.
I'm not sure what you're talking about... I guess it's possible to have some sort of MIDI deal or something or rather that would mirror every hit... but logistically it would be near impossible... you would need a whole nother person working the program to change it up for the slower parts, unless you are doing nothing but 32nd hits for the entire time in every song.
Teh Grimarse said:
I'm not sure what you're talking about... I guess it's possible to have some sort of MIDI deal or something or rather that would mirror every hit... but logistically it would be near impossible... you would need a whole nother person working the program to change it up for the slower parts, unless you are doing nothing but 32nd hits for the entire time in every song.

I've seen live shows where the drummer has a computer next to him hooked into the sound system. It's not that far-fetched as long as it's only dealing with the bass drums.