Hellhammer to drum for Dimmu Borgir

I always thought Richard Christy (Death) was the best metal drummer I've ever heard...

But at any rate, wasn't Hellhammer doing Kovenant for a while? Aside from Nexus Polaris, which is amazing, most of their stuff is really lackluster. Has he recorded anything of note since Nexus Polaris? (not suggesting that he hasn't, I just haven't heard of anything) I also don't really know if he was a one-timer for Kovenant; if he actually stayed on, then I heard him play live in Chicago a couple of years ago, and he seemed ok.

I adore Stormblast, though, it actually would have been cooler if he had been part of a re-recording of it. I'm not a big fan of Dimmu's newer stuff (although they still rock live, I have had the pleasure of seeing them, also in Chicago).
Naglfar said:
I always thought Richard Christy (Death) was the best metal drummer I've ever heard...

But at any rate, wasn't Hellhammer doing Kovenant for a while? Aside from Nexus Polaris, which is amazing, most of their stuff is really lackluster. Has he recorded anything of note since Nexus Polaris? (not suggesting that he hasn't, I just haven't heard of anything) I also don't really know if he was a one-timer for Kovenant; if he actually stayed on, then I heard him play live in Chicago a couple of years ago, and he seemed ok.

I adore Stormblast, though, it actually would have been cooler if he had been part of a re-recording of it. I'm not a big fan of Dimmu's newer stuff (although they still rock live, I have had the pleasure of seeing them, also in Chicago).

Hellhammer >>> Mayhem's Chimera album ... Mayhem is still his band..
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Not really.. they make enough money from their last two albums as well as the touring behind them... but more is always good..
That wasn't my outlook at it. My viewpoint is that if they put thier time and energy to make a great album who are we to say they shouldn't get what they deserve? I think it's just stupid and childish to deny them all because you may not like what they are releasing now.
Naglfar said:
But at any rate, wasn't Hellhammer doing Kovenant for a while? Aside from Nexus Polaris, which is amazing, most of their stuff is really lackluster. Has he recorded anything of note since Nexus Polaris? (not suggesting that he hasn't, I just haven't heard of anything)

Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors. Fucking magnificient album.
Agreed. Mayhem's "Grand Declaration of War" and all the Winds material are more superb stuff with Hellhammer's incredible drumming. He's pretty ridiculous on the Thorns CD, as well.
Thomas Tannenberger from Abigor was a pretty amazing drummer. I considered him the best BM drummer, but I dont think he has done much if anything past when he left Abigor.

And as far as re-recording Stormblast to fulfill contractual obligations, that doesnt make much sense. I figure they could turn out more garbage like everything they have done post Devils Path McD instead of re-recording that album. Man, they are gonna f@ck it up.

Drummers: We’ve decided, at least for the time being, not to invite a new drummer on a permanent basis. Tony Laureano will join us for all abovementioned festivals this summer, while Hellhammer has offered his services for the new full-length album.

Re-release of Stormblåst: We will have recording sessions in Abyss Studios with Peter “Jahhh!!” Tägtgren during the summer. Because of unexpected conflicting schedules, and with already booked studio time, we were suddenly forced to swiftly find a replacement for the drummer who originally agreed to do this recording with us. So we simply asked the closest one from home, Hellhammer, coincidently and luckily for us he was free to do that job as well! Tentative release date is sometime before this year is over. And yes, it’ll have extra material, prev. unreleased stuff, what’s the point of a re-release without? But more about the real reason why we chose to do this album all over again in it’s entirety later.

Next full-length album: Writing will begin Aug/Sep sometime, once everything else with festivals and re-recordings are out of the way. It’ll take the time it needs, so don’t expect any release sooner than 2nd half of 2006, at earliest. We have not yet decided who will be supervising/co-producing our next studio effort, but what we do know is that it’ll most likely be a full story/concept album. We feel it’s time to do something “else”, starting on scratch exploring fresh territory, challenge ourselves. More details on this as things develop.

Perhaps him drumming will make me enjoy this otherwise unejoyable band (in my opinion.) Coincidentally, stormblast is the only album of their I actually like, so hopefully his presence makes it even better!