Hellhammer drumming on new Dimmu album..

Triggers don't intrinsically suck, it's just that people claim he's an amazing drummer when he's really not.

Blasting doesn't intrinsically suck, it's just that a great majority of bands who use blastbeats are shit.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Triggers don't intrinsically suck, it's just that people claim he's an amazing drummer when he's really not.

Blasting doesn't intrinsically suck, it's just that a great majority of bands who use blastbeats are shit.
I agree with what you say. But, about the triggers part, people who claim someone is an amazing drummer will one day or another notice that the drummer sucks by watching him play live. At least, we can have an album with decent drumming parts with triggers.
As a drummer, I disagree. Hellhammer has impeccable sense of rhythm.

He's not even in my top 30, though, but he's pretty fucking good.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Eh, it's hardly Beethoven's 9th but that's a bit extreme. I give it a listen occasionally.

Eh, it's hardly Beethoven's 9th but that's a bit extreme. I give it a listen occasionally.
This thread is fucking ridiculous, but I can´t miss few comments.

TaylorC said:
Hellhammer has not played drums on anything good besides De Mysteriis and Antestor's new album The Forsaken. I take it this new Dimmu will suck too, even though I don't find their latest albums too insufferable.
Wow you are turd.

Melodeath said:
Maybe for some reason they want their "untr00" fans to get into "real" bm, so they are re-recording the old. The fans will be more willing to buy something new than some old album.

(I don't believe this, I'm just throwing it out there)
You aren´t wise, are you? This assumption is totally odd.

smågoth said:
Fuck this purist blackmetal mentality, if your only intrested in übertrue metal, then dont push it on others. Its not a fucking inquisition, its music. Hellhammer knows how to punish drumskins.
Thank you.

Gallantry over Docility said:
Hellhammer is a piece of shit triggered crappy bands crap drummingly shit fuck.
You don´t know much about drumming, do you? HH is definitely one of the best drummers in extreme metal scene and people that deny that have probably some complex.
I've heard hellhammer triggers everything so you should subtract some talent. One of the best metal drummers... not even close.
Fredy_Brown said:
You don´t know much about drumming, do you? HH is definitely one of the best drummers in extreme metal scene and people that deny that have probably some complex.

I enjoy his drumming but it's pretty hard to gauge his skill when he uses triggers. His blasts (especially some on Chimeria) are far too quick and even to be completely legitimate.
Only people who have never played drums or played with a drummer or at least never seen a set of triggers in real life can hold the opinion that triggers are some kind of magic spell that makes X drummer sound better than they are. All triggers do is make X drummer sound LOUDER than they are. Triggers don't make your blasts or kick rolls faster, or give you better time. Most triggered drummers just suck more obviously when they play fast. You can get away with being crap when recording organic drums.
AsModEe said:
Hellhammer? Hmm... I don't really know if I should be happy or pissed

:lol: Why do you have to to feel either? It's obviously up to him what he does and who he plays for, I don't get why the metal community has to pass some big judgement on the matter!
Teh Grimarse said:
Only people who have never played drums or played with a drummer or at least never seen a set of triggers in real life can hold the opinion that triggers are some kind of magic spell that makes X drummer sound better than they are. All triggers do is make X drummer sound LOUDER than they are. Triggers don't make your blasts or kick rolls faster, or give you better time. Most triggered drummers just suck more obviously when they play fast. You can get away with being crap when recording organic drums.

I don't think a drummer using triggers automatically makes him suck, a good drummer is still a good drummer and I would say that Hellhammer is a good drummer. However, as Erik pointed out, you can use much weaker hits on the kick drums to gain extra speed and be able to coordinate better at faster speeds. Some drummers also use triggers that will play two or three bass drum hits for everyone they actually make.

On Chimera, Hellhammer does double-bass drums very quickly and accurately, however on a live version of heard on Necrolust he is still able to get similar speed but his timing is not 100% perfect (although you can only notice if you're listening for it). I prefer drums to be recorded live, but it's much more convienent and the sound effects are better when using triggers for album recordings.