Hello all...


New Metal Member
Dec 17, 2003
Hey. I was just surfin' around one pm and stumbled onto this forum. Thought I'd introduce myself. I first met the Sanctuary/Nevermore boys back in '85. Dave Budbill was a friend of mine who played drums in my brother's band Possession. One day, searching for better opportunities, Dave answered an ad in The Rocket (an erstwhile Seattle musician's rag) from a band seeking a drummer. They hit it off over the phone, and dave, carless at the time, needed a ride to go audition; I naturally offered up my limosine services. We were what, 16 or 17 then? I'll never forget my first encounter with Lenny and Sean. We met them in the Southcenter mall parking lot (each pair driving total hoopties!). They wore so much hairspray that we thought they might be aliens.
The audition went well. I remember they played "See You in Hell" by Grim Reaper, and screwed around with "Die For My Sins" and a few other originals. I remember also being blown away by their practice room. They had somehow gotten in good with a sound man, and split the rent with him in an industrial warehouse. They had this awesome, homemade multi-level stage set up against one wall, and the sound guy let them use his gear for a PA when it wasn't out on a gig. Very pro impression.

Anyway, things went very well from there. Dave and I knew this guy Warrel, who sung kinda like King Diamond and was in a band called Serpent's Knight... the rest, as they say, was history.

Favorite Warrel quote: [Walking through the front door at Dave's house with a big bag of mushrooms in hand, and spoken in that oh-so-Warrel way, you know, over-enunciated, with a hint-o' fake British accent] -- "I've brought food for thought!"

As you can probably guess, I'm a bit more into Sanctuary than Nevermore, but I still like to check in on the old boys occasionally. I've got lots of old Sanctuary demos, videos, memorabilia, (and tons of good stories!) etc if anyone's interested.

P.S. - I'm not super-tekkie, here, so sorry in advance if I don't savvy all this new-fangled IM type bullshit. I am a simple man. :erk:

P.P.S. - HemiGTX, we REALLY need to chat (off-topic, of course). I think we share the same beautiful disorder....
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Karen....this is one of the places I went drinking with my bud in DC. Recognize it?