Hello fellow Aussie Maideners

I'll back you up spawny... Sandra Sully is bablicious!!! Of course, I only watch the late news because I miss the news when it's on at 6.00 and I need to find out what's happening in the world ;)

I'd watch channel 9 late news, but Jim Waley is too much of a sexy bitch for me to handle... :eek: :lol:
I'm going to jump on the "She's a babe... SCHWIING" bandwagon and add my 2 cents.........


Jennifer Love Hewitt gets my vote for sexiest person on the planet.............

I dont know how to spell that drueling noise that Homer makes, but I imagine it to be something like


I have been admiring Jen's work since she was in Party of Five. She is just so beautiful, and I have seen her on Jay Leno a coupla times and she is a nice person too.
She's one of those girls who can look sexy as hell in a bikini, or gorgeous in a skivvy and jumper!

I'm more of a skivy and jumper person myself......... leaves more to the imagination, and gives the impression that they are cold, and need to be warmed up!!

Ok, I'm going now :eek:
Onya Coops :) Dunno about that jim waley though :lol:

Crossy, im sure you will run into us at the deth concert!
The most delectable females on the planet are as follows:

Charli, Kellie and Kathleen from Hi-5, then perhaps Lucy Lawless and Annabeth Gish (better known as Agent Monica Reyes- a new regular character on the X-Files).

Spawn, I have but one thing to say in response to all this talk of duels...



PS: Welcome Miff :).

Originally posted by Wrathchild
The most delectable females on the planet are as follows:

Charli, Kellie and Kathleen from Hi-5, then perhaps Lucy Lawless and Annabeth Gish (better known as Agent Monica Reyes- a new regular character on the X-Files).

Spawn, I have but one thing to say in response to all this talk of duels...



PS: Welcome Miff :).


HAHA!!! :lol: Anyone who comes up with a simpsons quote is alright by me :) Even if he did leave Sandra off his list :lol:
Originally posted by Moon Child
Excuse me for interrupting here..... (BTW Sandra Sully is beautiful and most definitely more beautiful is Jennifer Love-Hewitt -I hate her :))

Damn Straight!! Though I dont hate Sandra at all :)
Originally posted by Moon Child
.......but Mark, who IS your idea of a beautiful woman? And you are not allowed to mention your dearest Dreamwatch because I already know she is. I want to know a CELEBRITY that you think is beautiful.

Well, apart from your good self, dearest Tania (:):):)), erm... I always thought Drew Barrymore was lovely. Irene Jacob is stunning. And there's this bird in a crowd scene in The Committments (total screen time, 0.5 seconds) who broke my heart, the cow!

But nobody compares to the lusciousness that is Dreamwatch.

(This message has been supervised by Bev's Glaring Eye™)
Originally posted by Lord Tim

(I take payment via cheque or money order! HAHAHA!)

Tim... I see you are still a novice at this. NEVER accept cheques... they bounce! Secondly always offer them a 10% discount for cash. That way you don't have to put it through the books and you don't have to pay as much tax... sheeesh... some people just don't have a good head for business :p :lol:
Payment for what?
I know what I THINK the payments for, but i dont know if im running off on the wrong tangent here........I have a history of not getting this kind of thing until its spelled out for me.
Originally posted by Cooperman

Tim... I see you are still a novice at this. NEVER accept cheques... they bounce! Secondly always offer them a 10% discount for cash. That way you don't have to put it through the books and you don't have to pay as much tax... sheeesh... some people just don't have a good head for business :p :lol:

Drat! It's true!

You want to be my Compliments To Pretty Girls manager? (I can pay you if you like! Do you accept cheques...? Oh... D'OH! HAHAHA!)