Hello fellow Aussie Maideners

Originally posted by spawn
Payment for what?
I know what I THINK the payments for, but i dont know if im running off on the wrong tangent here........I have a history of not getting this kind of thing until its spelled out for me.

That was for the compliment to Tania... Of course, if she accepts payments for anything else, that's none of my business... :heh:

LT runs so he doesn't get his ass kicked! HAHA!
Originally posted by Lord Tim

That was for the compliment to Tania... Of course, if she accepts payments for anything else, that's none of my business... :heh:

LT runs so he doesn't get his ass kicked! HAHA!

Bloody hell, as usual, I DIDNT get it until it was spelt out for me! :) If only moony was an english teacher and not a maths teacher im sure I could have thought up a really funny joke.....
I'm afraid I just don't see what the fuss is about over Sandra Sully.... while she's not a mule she's not really much of a fox either!
As for Gretel Killeen I have to admit I like her, must be the long black hair and leather pants I think.
Jennifer Love Hewitt rocks!

Other TV babes
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Alyssa Milano
Nicky Buckley (gone but not forgotten)
Suzie Wilks

I don't watch much TV so that's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure some of you others can add a few!
Originally posted by PIV Bassman
I'm afraid I just don't see what the fuss is about over Sandra Sully.... while she's not a mule she's not really much of a fox either!
As for Gretel Killeen I have to admit I like her, must be the long black hair and leather pants I think.

Well, it was more Gretels attitude and snide remarks that turned me off her!
I have to admit you are right, the hair and leather pants both ruled! :spin:
Originally posted by Winmar
I was put off Gretel when I saw her on Beauty and the Beast bagging someone she didn't even know. Fucking bitch.
Well said! She might look good in tight clothes, but she has the personality of a lamp post. With the lamp switched off. Not very nice at all.
Who cares about personality? I was under the impression that this was strictly a looks competition..... if it was based on personality or substance then it would be a whole different story!
As far as looks go I find Gretel attractive...... I have no idea whether I would actually like her!
Originally posted by PIV Bassman
Who cares about personality? I was under the impression that this was strictly a looks competition..... if it was based on personality or substance then it would be a whole different story!
As far as looks go I find Gretel attractive...... I have no idea whether I would actually like her!

Yeah, but if a woman has a horrible personality/is a bitch its a BIG turnoff! Thus making them MUCH less attractive.
Thats what I reckon anyway :)
Originally posted by Winmar
Yeah it is one helluva big turnoff. If a woman's a bitch I won't find her attractive even if others might think she's a stunner, and a nice personality can make an average looking person all the more attractive.

Hence I'd rather have sex with a lamp post. Again.

:lol: Lamp posts never reject you at least, dont make you pay for dinner, you can unplug them when you want some peace and quiet and they dont make fun of your really small penis size.

So im told.
Originally posted by Winmar
Hahaha well I guess some males are ok, when they're not having sex with lamp posts. Actually I've never done that, it was my mate, really it was........


So it wasn't a lamppost, it was a mate, hmmm.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Originally posted by phlogiston

So it wasn't a lamppost, it was a mate, hmmm.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

You made me laugh like an immature school kid when I read that phloggy. I feel so ashamed of myself :)
I only just got why Tim was calling me gay :rolleyes: (Im not too smart I know).

IM NOT GAY! haha

Im going to go read a nudie magazine just to prove it :grin: (For the articles of course :p )

ps. Thanks Mark. I owe you :mad: haha