Hello from Headway


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
We are here in Amstelveen at Headway relaxing after dinner and hanging out with friends.

I am with Ze Dan and his budy Nicholas and two people who came here all the way from BRAZIL would you believe this ????:OMG:

we are happy to be here the staff and crew here are really great and we look forward to have a great show tonight> Time for a nap in the tour bus hoping Doug is not snoring in his bunk :dopey:
Looks like they missed the nap, the gig was so boring....even some bandmembers fell asleep during the gig....


heheheh....no boring at all !!!!

This was definately the highlight of the day. Enchant rocked the place.

Thanks guys for the fantastic gig.

here a few teaser pics as promised:





Not just nice pics, a great show! Thanks guys for another wonderful show. Glad to meet you again, though shortly this time. Next time another interview!

The venue mix could have been better during the first couple of songs. Ted's guitar was louder than Doug's, and Doug's vocals were louder than Ted's! Bill's keyboards were a bit soft in the mix as well. After a few songs things went better. I noticed Ted but mainly Doug experiencing some technical problems with the monitor ear plugs as well... Before the gig Ted said he had his voice was shot. I noticed he had some problems, but it didn't affect his singing, bar the last scream in Oasis. Sheesh, if that is a bad voice, I wouldn't mind having a bad voice... ;-)

A great set (don't remember all song titles), a nice balance between heavy and softer pieces. Progtology was bloody amazing! And the encore medley - great pieces in 5 minutes!

One of the things why I like seeing Enchant live is the fact they enjoy playing so much. I saw five minutes of one of the other bands (Shadowkeep) and the difference is huge. The two guitarists, bass player, and singer were not moving at all, wearing cliche heavy metal expressions on their faces. Haha, the singer announced a song called "Beyond The Stratosphere" or something, in such an overacted heavy metal way, it was pathetic! :-D

Nope, I prefer a band like Enchant, who just show they're having fun, which is what it's all about right?

Surprising part was after Ted had left the stage during the instrumental section in Oasis, he came back on from the back of the audience! I was standing there, enjoying the music. I heard Ted's vocals after the instrumental section, but he was not on stage, so I assumed he was coming back on stage any second. Someone bumped into me from behind, and I thought - hey it's not that crowded, can't you see where you're going?! And it was Ted - he did that with several people, singing and dancing through the audience, and it was fun to see the surprised expressions on people's faces, same as my face must have looked! :-)

Thanks for another great show, guys!

he he mare trust me my friend WE DID HAVE A BLAST and as promised I forwarded your message to Ed and he ROCKED the place I`m telling ya ! Enchant you rule guys thanks for the gig and for being so available before and after the show. Live pics coming very soon