yourdeadgroom said:You're not a true UM member until you've been flamed by Misanthrope /forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
Nogie said:HI MISTER MAN!!![]()
btw, I think you guys scared him !/forum/images/smilies/eek.gif
CrankYanker said:Not all Pink Floyd sucks. Wish You Were Here is a great album (and song) except Fred Durst had to ruin it on the 9/11 America: A Tribute to Heroes dealio.
The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon are good until you've heard them a jillion times and then it's just a game to see how fast you can switch to something else. But I'd encourage anyone listen to The Wall or Dark Side until they get as burnt on those albums as I am.
Momentary Lapse of Reason is a good album too. I seem to be suffering from it now by typing so much about Pinky. Everything else sucks though.
Lethe78 said:Do you like The Final Cut? That one is great.
O'blivion said:wtf? no one mentioned animals. that's like their best album dudes (well, aside from the wall). 'dogs' is the best pf song hands down. dsotm is very overrated, and meddle is tottally underrated. hint: 'echoes' is the second best pf song hands down.
also, roger kicks gilmour's ass all over town.
|end pf rant|