
Spectre Within X

New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2002
Michigan, USA
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Hello to all Symphony X fans!
My name is Andrew and I hail from Michigan!
I love Symphony X so I thought it would be a good idea to sign up with the SX board! :)

Is anyone going to the Blind Guardian/Symphony X show on December 5th in Detroit, Michigan? This is my first concert alone and I am scared :cry: Maybe someone on here is going?

Well, anyway, I am happy to be here! :grin:
Welcome dude!!! Don't worry about shows man, I have flown across the country twice last year (by myself) to see Symphony X and other bands at the Prog Powers, its all good man, just go meet people and hang out!!! You'll have a rockin time no doubt!

Hey Andrew

It's cool man. Don't worry about it. I am going to metal shows since 1977 and you make friends within seconds.

Metalheads are mostly a relaxt bunch of people. You will see.
Welcome man!

Enjoy :D
Hello!! :wave:

Thank You for the inspiring words! :)
I know I can do it and I know it is worth it! I am sure the Blind Guardian/Symphony X crowd will be mature which is a good thing. I am only 17 and usually I would go with my friend AJ, whom I got into metal in the first place, but since he became friends with Joe and got a girlfriend he forgot about me :cry:
ohh well...I still have my music and my guitar! :grin:

I love Blind Guardian too so I am very excited to go December 5th! And on December 7th, I am going to see Dio and HammerFall :grin:

Originally the Dio/HammerFall show was on December 5th, same day as the Blind Guardian/Symphony X show...thank gosh it was moved! I would have went to the Blind Guardian/Symphony X show though anyway since I have never seen them live, whereas I have seen Dio live before...and HammerFall would only be on for a little bit.

But anyway, Thank You! :grin:
Originally posted by Spectre Within X
Hello!! :wave:

Thank You for the inspiring words! :)
I know I can do it and I know it is worth it! I am sure the Blind Guardian/Symphony X crowd will be mature which is a good thing. I am only 17 and usually I would go with my friend AJ, whom I got into metal in the first place, but since he became friends with Joe and got a girlfriend he forgot about me :cry:
ohh well...I still have my music and my guitar! :grin:

I love Blind Guardian too so I am very excited to go December 5th! And on December 7th, I am going to see Dio and HammerFall :grin:

Originally the Dio/HammerFall show was on December 5th, same day as the Blind Guardian/Symphony X show...thank gosh it was moved! I would have went to the Blind Guardian/Symphony X show though anyway since I have never seen them live, whereas I have seen Dio live before...and HammerFall would only be on for a little bit.

But anyway, Thank You! :grin:

You sir, are one lucky human being.
Welcome to the board! :)
Hey, welcome to the boards. Your lucky you get to go, I'm also young and can't go into NYC by myself yet (I'm only 15). I've been looking for a ride, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in my area who's even heard of Symphony X! Kind of sucks, but theres nothing much I can do.
Originally posted by The Yngster
Hey, welcome to the boards. Your lucky you get to go, I'm also young and can't go into NYC by myself yet (I'm only 15). I've been looking for a ride, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in my area who's even heard of Symphony X! Kind of sucks, but theres nothing much I can do.

Hello!! :wave:

Dang man, that is no good! I would have my Mom give you a ride if I could, I swear it! I know how it feels to know finally a power metal band(s) going to the USA to tour! I feel bad for you man :cry: If you can't go I will cry with you cause I am scarred going myself! :cry: I do not know anyone that listens to my music except AJ, well, I got him into it, but he does not listen to it anymore since he started hanging out with Joe. Good luck man! And sorry that you can't go...I wish I could help, I really do. It is great to see someone around my age that enjoys power/prog metal also! When I was 15 is when I got into the genre!

Again, sorry man, I would help if I could. :cry:
Hi Andrew. You are one lucky kid to have a Symphony X show as your first concert. Believe me. .Symphony X fans are the coolest fans around. Know why? Respect. I've noticed this. Count down the days and enjoy the experience, then come here and talk about it! And TO The Yngster >>> after The Odyssey and this tour, you won't be the only one who has ever heard of SymX, you'll be the one to say..."Hey I've been a fan for awhile." Cool.
I must add to my last post. I am one of the "mature" adults with teens of my own. No matter WHERE you go, you have to be responsible and aware with good judgement. What I wanted to say was "Respect in the sense that I have not seen SymX fans physically slamming each other around. People are there for the music and show, not for a free for all experience like at many other shows these days." But still, I hope you are as careful and responsible as when going anywhere else on your own. Hope I cleared that up.
Originally posted by Spectre Within X
Hello!! :wave:

Dang man, that is no good! I would have my Mom give you a ride if I could, I swear it! I know how it feels to know finally a power metal band(s) going to the USA to tour! I feel bad for you man :cry: If you can't go I will cry with you cause I am scarred going myself! :cry: I do not know anyone that listens to my music except AJ, well, I got him into it, but he does not listen to it anymore since he started hanging out with Joe. Good luck man! And sorry that you can't go...I wish I could help, I really do. It is great to see someone around my age that enjoys power/prog metal also! When I was 15 is when I got into the genre!

Again, sorry man, I would help if I could. :cry:

Thats cool that you have a friend that listens to the same music. My friend and I used to listen to the same stuff, mostly nu-metal like Slipknot and stuff (don't flame me, I was young and stupid), but my musical tastes evolved and he stopped caring. So now I'm the only real metal fan that I know of in my area. Getting to the show may not be the problem, I could take a train into NYC. Getting back is the problem. I could take a train back, but my parent's probably wouldn't pick me up that late. Oh well, nothing much I can do for now, I just need to hope that SX comes back around me again. And Pharoah, thats good to know that the concert isn't just a giant mosh pit. I never understood that concept. You go to a show, and instead of listening to the music and watching the guys perform, you decide to smack yourself against other people and injure yourself... :err: Anyway Andrew good luck at the concert, I'm sure it will be a blast.
Hello!! :wave:

Well, actually, the Symphony X/Blind Guardian show is not my first concert...I have been to about 7 others...Dio, Savatage (my favorite concert so far), Iced Earth, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir, Judas Priest...but this is my first concert that I will be attending alone.

My friend AJ used to listen to rap music, but I got him into metal. He never bought any metal actually, but he would attened concerts with me. But since he met Joe and met his girlfriend, he forgot about me and we have not talked for a while :cry: I do not know anyone in my school or area that likes power/prog metal at all. Especially my age. It is rare to find teenagers into power/prog music. It is hard enough finding any fans of the genre.

I used to be into some black metal, but when I went to the Dimmu Borgir show I remember one guy shoved me because I had a Kamelot shirt on and called me a "pussy" because I listened to the music I love :cry: . That was so mean. After that, I just said goodbye to black metal. The music is good, but the Satanic lyrics are just yuck in my book.

Yes, I do hate moshing so much. It is a very stupid and pointless activity in my opinion. I never once have moshed and I never will. And I know fans of power/prog music are mature real people, and those are the people I love. I love people like me :spin: My brothers and sisters!

And Thank You once again everyone for the warm welcome and inspiration!
:wave: <-- I love that thing

That guy who pushed you is just an asshole, I hate people like that. People who think they are just so much cooler than everyone else, and feel they can judge others. And was that the Iced Earth/Jag Panzer/In Flames show that you saw, or were those separate shows? I wanted to go to that too, but the whole ride/age thing. I'm sure the people at the concert will be nice if there anything like the people on this board. But then again, I could imagine going alone being very intimidating.
Originally posted by The Yngster
:wave: <-- I love that thing

That guy who pushed you is just an asshole, I hate people like that. People who think they are just so much cooler than everyone else, and feel they can judge others. And was that the Iced Earth/Jag Panzer/In Flames show that you saw, or were those separate shows? I wanted to go to that too, but the whole ride/age thing. I'm sure the people at the concert will be nice if there anything like the people on this board. But then again, I could imagine going alone being very intimidating.

Hello!! :wave:

Actually, I saw Iced Earth/In Flames/Jag Panzer and I recently went to In Flames/Sentenced/Dark Tranquillity. Both were good shows, I liked the In Flames show better though :spin: