Well, actually, the Symphony X/Blind Guardian show is not my first concert...I have been to about 7 others...Dio, Savatage (my favorite concert so far), Iced Earth, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir, Judas Priest...but this is my first concert that I will be attending alone.
My friend AJ used to listen to rap music, but I got him into metal. He never bought any metal actually, but he would attened concerts with me. But since he met Joe and met his girlfriend, he forgot about me and we have not talked for a while

I do not know anyone in my school or area that likes power/prog metal at all. Especially my age. It is rare to find teenagers into power/prog music. It is hard enough finding any fans of the genre.
I used to be into some black metal, but when I went to the Dimmu Borgir show I remember one guy shoved me because I had a Kamelot shirt on and called me a "pussy" because I listened to the music I love

. That was so mean. After that, I just said goodbye to black metal. The music is good, but the Satanic lyrics are just yuck in my book.
Yes, I do hate moshing so much. It is a very stupid and pointless activity in my opinion. I never once have moshed and I never will. And I know fans of power/prog music are mature real people, and those are the people I love. I love people like me

My brothers and sisters!
And Thank You once again everyone for the warm welcome and inspiration!