

Nefarious Angel
Nov 19, 2002
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I came to these board a little short of a month ago, searching for something more than the filth and borgirs I had been listening to. Someone had spoken of Symphony X I remembered and I happened to be at the record store today. I bought my first SX album, The Odyssey. Having owned 3 Blind Guardian CD's (Burnt ones ;) ) I can say that I am surprised at the popularity BG has attained whilst Symphony X has existed. Their musical skills surpass Blind Guardians, easily. The first song, Inferno just blew me away during the ride home. I will eagerly await the day I have the money to buy more Symphony X CD's.
I can tell this will be the start of a long obsession, like when I first heard Iced Earth. God, help me, both mentally and financially :)
hey requiem... your signature graphic should read "breathe" not "breath" as a breath is not the action of breathing, its merely a noun while "breathe" is the verb!

Originally posted by Draxx
I can tell this will be the start of a long obsession, like when I first heard Iced Earth. God, help me, both mentally and financially :)

May 2002: I have 400 dollars
July 2002: I have 0 dollars and a whole lot of cd's :grin:

And I have to have a certain amount of Symphony X each day, usually a run through of the Oddysey and some songs of other albums. If I don't get my daily SX I start to lose it.
RE: The Yngster's comment "If I don't get my daily SX I start to lose it." :lol: :lol: :lol: That's why we have copies for the boom box AND the car! It's really kinda sick. I could take a leave of absence from the job and follow them around!!! :rock: Dream on....