New Metal Member
Um, I don't think Petrucci talks shit. And if you didn't mean Petrucci talks shit, you should check your syntax.Originally posted by BastrdDrmr
that made me pissed off just reading that!!!!!!!!! Whenever Petrucci decides to learn how to sweep and do it LIVE without fucking up then he can start talking shit.
And can we please stop the DT IS BETTER THAN .... SX IS BETTER THAN... cause it's really getting old. Once a band gets to a certain level, they no longer compete with the other bands cause they are all technically proficient and just have different styles. I would not like to hear DT cover SX or to have SX cover DT. They're just too different.
Now, about the quote in the first post, this dude was obviously not listening to the music. He did state his opinion, but i don't think he was giving the band a good listen. :hotjump: