Before I listened to this I was really getting upset thinking that everyone was not liking this just because Andi was singing the old songs. Helloween is one of my Top 5 favorite bands and I do prefer the Deris era over the Kiske era. I think Kiske is a good singer but it seems people put him on this high pedestal which I don't understand (but that's for another thread). I listened to the video and man, this is the worst Helloween shit I have ever heard. That's disappointing since I was really looking forward to this CD. I have wanted to hear Andi singing the old songs for a long time, and not just live versions. I love the first disc of Gamma Ray's Blast from Past and I really thought this would be similar to the same quality. I'm still going to have to buy this since it is Helloween but this is a huge let down.
Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.
Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?
I hate to be the one to rain on an entire forum's parade by telling them they're completely wrong, but... you're all completely wrong.
This is obviously just a fun thing that Helloween wanted to do for their fans on their anniversary. It's not a metal album, and as such, it's not going to be for everyone, but I can't accept that the more musically-eclectic of this bunch would hate this album so much. The songs are very well done for what they are -- the only clips I didn't care for much were "Keepers" and "Perfect Gentleman". Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.
Kudos to Helloween for doing something different in order to keep things fresh and interesting. If you want to hear METAL versions of these songs, then go listen to the originals.
Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?
This is obviously just a fun thing that Helloween wanted to do for their fans on their anniversary.
Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.
Kudos to Helloween for doing something different in order to keep things fresh and interesting. If you want to hear METAL versions of these songs, then go listen to the originals.
Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?
I hate to be the one to rain on an entire forum's parade by telling them they're completely wrong, but... you're all completely wrong.
I hate to be the one to rain on an entire forum's parade by telling them they're completely wrong, but... you're all completely wrong.
This is obviously just a fun thing that Helloween wanted to do for their fans on their anniversary. It's not a metal album, and as such, it's not going to be for everyone, but I can't accept that the more musically-eclectic of this bunch would hate this album so much. The songs are very well done for what they are -- the only clips I didn't care for much were "Keepers" and "Perfect Gentleman". Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.
Kudos to Helloween for doing something different in order to keep things fresh and interesting. If you want to hear METAL versions of these songs, then go listen to the originals.
Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?
The Dark Ride was the most un-Helloweenesque Andi era Helloween album (dark, brooding).
I would rather have seen this as a bonus disc for like a 25th anniversary comp of unreleased tracks and some re-records of classic songs. I will still pick it up....actually some of the songs are growing me....but then again...I am an indiot.
Helloween really did not need another RED FLAG in the catalog (following Chameleon, and then Keepers III).