Helloween- Unarmed-25th anniverary album

Interesting. Most of this sounds like what I'd expect to hear playing at the grocery store, but edgier. Helloween made muzak out of their own songs!
Before I listened to this I was really getting upset thinking that everyone was not liking this just because Andi was singing the old songs. Helloween is one of my Top 5 favorite bands and I do prefer the Deris era over the Kiske era. I think Kiske is a good singer but it seems people put him on this high pedestal which I don't understand (but that's for another thread). I listened to the video and man, this is the worst Helloween shit I have ever heard. That's disappointing since I was really looking forward to this CD. I have wanted to hear Andi singing the old songs for a long time, and not just live versions. I love the first disc of Gamma Ray's Blast from Past and I really thought this would be similar to the same quality. I'm still going to have to buy this since it is Helloween but this is a huge let down.
Before I listened to this I was really getting upset thinking that everyone was not liking this just because Andi was singing the old songs. Helloween is one of my Top 5 favorite bands and I do prefer the Deris era over the Kiske era. I think Kiske is a good singer but it seems people put him on this high pedestal which I don't understand (but that's for another thread). I listened to the video and man, this is the worst Helloween shit I have ever heard. That's disappointing since I was really looking forward to this CD. I have wanted to hear Andi singing the old songs for a long time, and not just live versions. I love the first disc of Gamma Ray's Blast from Past and I really thought this would be similar to the same quality. I'm still going to have to buy this since it is Helloween but this is a huge let down.

Thanks for this post, as these are my thoughts, 100%.
I hate to be the one to rain on an entire forum's parade by telling them they're completely wrong, but... you're all completely wrong.

This is obviously just a fun thing that Helloween wanted to do for their fans on their anniversary. It's not a metal album, and as such, it's not going to be for everyone, but I can't accept that the more musically-eclectic of this bunch would hate this album so much. The songs are very well done for what they are -- the only clips I didn't care for much were "Keepers" and "Perfect Gentleman". Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.

Kudos to Helloween for doing something different in order to keep things fresh and interesting. If you want to hear METAL versions of these songs, then go listen to the originals.

Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?
Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.

Wow..... Couldn't disagree more. Maybe I'll be able to after hearing this full album, but really? You think the new material is that bad? I've loved every single album Helloween has put out (with "Pink Bubbles" being the only possible exception).

Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?

If they didn't, they should have. That album was shit through and through.
I hate to be the one to rain on an entire forum's parade by telling them they're completely wrong, but... you're all completely wrong.

No we are not. You can't just come in and say that I'm wrong simply because my taste is different than yours. If you like it, and find it a good product, great, enjoy it. I didn't find it interesting, and I didn't find it very good. It's my personal opinion. I am not wrong. You are wrong for saying we're completely wrong.

This is obviously just a fun thing that Helloween wanted to do for their fans on their anniversary. It's not a metal album, and as such, it's not going to be for everyone, but I can't accept that the more musically-eclectic of this bunch would hate this album so much. The songs are very well done for what they are -- the only clips I didn't care for much were "Keepers" and "Perfect Gentleman". Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.

I agree that it's just a fun thing to do for their fans in their anniversary. I have nothing against that. But here's the deal... they're putting this product in the market and SELLING it. I would agree with you if this was really a GIFT to the fans, something FREE. But the moment you release something to the public, ESPECIALLY if you're trying to sell it, you are subject to criticism and to people's opinions. Don't complain that people don't like your product if your product is just NOT GOOD!

Kudos to Helloween for doing something different in order to keep things fresh and interesting. If you want to hear METAL versions of these songs, then go listen to the originals.

Kudos to Helloween would be given if they released this as a gift to the fans. When a band puts out a mediocre product, expecting to sell it and call it a "gift to the fans" they deserve no kudos at all.

Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?

You are insane. The reception was pretty bad. Plus, how can you compare it. We're not the entire Helloween fanbase, we're about 10-15 people complaining about a subpar product released as a "gift to the fans."
This is obviously just a fun thing that Helloween wanted to do for their fans on their anniversary.

If this is the case, I can deal with that and take it for what it's worth, but this is still a let down. I have been waiting years to have them re-record the old songs with Andi singing. I think I was just over-hyping this CD once I heard about it. And then to hear the samples :Puke:

Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.

I kind of agree with you since The Dark Ride is my favorite CD by them but they have release some good CDs since then. I thought Gambling with the Devil was a great CD. You should check that CD out if you haven't. And if so, different strokes I guess.

Kudos to Helloween for doing something different in order to keep things fresh and interesting. If you want to hear METAL versions of these songs, then go listen to the originals.

But I'm sure Andi would do a better job than the originals. :)

Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?

Just like what Sir Exar Kun said. This CD was crap and I know a lot of Bon Jovi fans that bought that CD and have not listened to it since. I think Helloween fans are a little more passionate about them then Bon Jovi fans.
I hate to be the one to rain on an entire forum's parade by telling them they're completely wrong, but... you're all completely wrong.

This is obviously just a fun thing that Helloween wanted to do for their fans on their anniversary. It's not a metal album, and as such, it's not going to be for everyone, but I can't accept that the more musically-eclectic of this bunch would hate this album so much. The songs are very well done for what they are -- the only clips I didn't care for much were "Keepers" and "Perfect Gentleman". Certainly it beats the hell out of everything the band has done since The Dark Ride.

Kudos to Helloween for doing something different in order to keep things fresh and interesting. If you want to hear METAL versions of these songs, then go listen to the originals.

Call me crazy, but Bon Jovi's fanbase didn't shit on them this badly when they released This Left Feels Right, did they?

um....ok? First of all this is not a FUN thing. Like it was stated before if it was a bonus disc on their next full length disc I could understand that. Also if the quality of the songs were better I would also understand. Look at the consensus of this thread, most agree its garbage.

As far as beating everything since The Dark Ride? Wow what a bold statement. Do you listen to metal at all or are you just pulling this out of your arse? The Dark Ride was the most un-Helloweenesque Andi era Helloween album (dark, brooding).

To compare Bonjovi and Helloween is like comparing Rob Halford to Kip Winger. Why bother?
The Dark Ride was the most un-Helloweenesque Andi era Helloween album (dark, brooding).

I think that's why I like it so much. When I was talking to Andi about that CD on their last tour, he was saying that same thing and that Americans always tell him that they like that CD the best. He said he calls it 'the American CD' since we all like that one. :lol:
booB - Sorry bro, but I think you are on your own with your opinions on this one.

First off, Gambling With The Devil quickly became a fan favorite. It is truly a great album. To be honest, I think the only true stinker of the Deris era is the Keepers Part III. Though I suppose this is not the point.

What is upsetting to Helloween fans is that they wanted exactly what this was supposed to be, Deris fronting Helloween tackling some of the classics in the studio for the first time.

How would a novelty release like this help their career?
Seems like financial suicide for the label to even bother releasing this.

Sure, fanboys and fangirls (myself included) will buy it, since it will forever be part of the catalog, but ALL of the excitement of this is gone.

Helloween really did not need another RED FLAG in the catalog (following Chameleon, and then Keepers III). They had a good pace going, after Gambling, and the HELLISH ROCK tour with Gamma Ray.
Wow booB, way to completely invalidate everyone's opinion. I hope you were expecting the shitstorm you just recieved.

Gambling with the Devil is an AMAZING release. As Jasonic pointed out, it became a fan favorite. If it's not one of your favorite Helloween releases, that's just fine. But no one has to agree with you about that.

That you think the samples from this 25th anniversary disc sound good is also fine. But telling people they are wrong because of their opinions is incredibly rude and arrogant. We've listened to the samples, and we've all formed our opinions after listening to the samples. The general consensus is "Yuck." It's not like our opinions are uninformed. We heard it, we didn't like it. Big deal. I'm not sure why you're getting so offended over opinions that differ from your's.

I really like Chameleon. You don't see me lambasting everyone for disliking it.
I would rather have seen this as a bonus disc for like a 25th anniversary comp of unreleased tracks and some re-records of classic songs. I will still pick it up....actually some of the songs are growing me....but then again...I am an indiot.
Helloween really did not need another RED FLAG in the catalog (following Chameleon, and then Keepers III).

Hey! :mad:

You're picking on two of my favorites here! "Chameleon" actually is my single favorite Helloween disc, as I am really more a fan of prog than power, so this totally appealed to me. "Keeper III" I think is a very good disc, that could have benefited from removing a couple of tracks.

But again..... I don't think Helloween has ever put out a BAD album. "Pink Bubbles" was mediocre, but even then I wouldn't say it was BAD.
First, I totally agree about the Dark Ride. I would put it up there as the best Deris release, and I like most of it.

Second, I still don't get why people slag on Keep III so much. There are a couple of duds and by that, I mean 3-4 at most. I think it should've been a one disc record personally. I think the reason it gets the shit it gets is because of the name. If it wasn't called Keeper Part III people would like it.

Third, if I were to see a red flag in the Deris era it would be Rabbit Don't Come Easy. I found that album a BIG disappointment. I thought everything was badly written, lyrics were completely laughable and the whole thing uninspired. That's just my opinion though.

Fourth, Pink Bubbles and Chameleon make me want to vomit. To be honest, I don't even consider them Helloween albums. I'm all for collecting entire catalogs, but when a band has such a different sound than before, I don't consider it theirs which is why I sold those albums after buying them.
Hey, I am a Helloween fanboy, and I certainly appreciate ALL opinions of their catalog.
I only picked on those, as to say if you HAD to assign red flags, for me, it would go to those.

Let's face it. We are ALL victims of marketing.
As a longtime fan, I had VERY high expectations of any Helloween album with the KEEPERS tag on it.
Esp being a double album. If it were a single album with my fav tracks of it, my opinion would be different.
Woo hoo!! Lombard and Wheaton in the house, posting at the SAME time!!!!

We should head over to Otto's or Punky's in Lombard and throw back a few!!!

Wait - who would watch my kids??????????????