Señor Member
Wow booB, way to completely invalidate everyone's opinion. I hope you were expecting the shitstorm you just recieved.
Of course I was! This board is pretty well known for taking the internet too seriously.
We've listened to the samples, and we've all formed our opinions after listening to the samples. The general consensus is "Yuck." It's not like our opinions are uninformed. We heard it, we didn't like it.
That would be fine, and I wouldn't be "calling bullshit" if it were that simple. ALL of the negative comments so far have nothing to do with the idea that the music in the clips is "bad". And it's not; the musicianship is fine, the singing is great, and the sound quality can't clearly be judged by low-quality clips like these but I'm sure it's fine also. The negative comments stem SOLELY from the fact that this is not what the Helloween Fan Base Local #102 was expecting from this release, and it's not the type of music that they wanted to hear Helloween record. There is nothing wrong with the music in those clips; if you don't like it, it's because of your taste in music, not because "Helloween did a bad thing".
Honestly, who wants to hear the same old songs, just with a different singer? BORING!!! Change things up a bit. That's INTERESTING! I'll be more likely to buy this CD than I would be to buy a bunch of regular-old Helloween re-recordings.
I'm not sure why you're getting so offended over opinions that differ from your's.
Last time I checked, it was everyone else getting butt-hurt over MY post, not the other way around.
Also if the quality of the songs were better I would also understand. Look at the consensus of this thread, most agree its garbage.
If we were to listen to the consensus all the time, we would all be Britney Spears fans.
So, what's wrong with it? Specifically? Funny thing is, nobody can point to anything in particular, other than that they were simply expecting something else, more along the lines of their own tastes.
As far as beating everything since The Dark Ride? Wow what a bold statement. Do you listen to metal at all or are you just pulling this out of your arse?
What a bold and insightful question! What is this... this... "metal"... of which you speak?
The Dark Ride was the most un-Helloweenesque Andi era Helloween album (dark, brooding).
The Helloween Fan Base Local #102 would disagree with you and cite Chameleon. On the contrary, Helloween was moving in an AWESOME direction, with Time of the Oath -> Better Than Raw -> The Dark Ride. Then, when their best members left, they suddenly decided to go backward three steps, back to the same-y, happy sappy power metal they used to play, only not as good. I know for a fact that I am nowhere near alone in this opinion, even if the Helloween Fan Base Local #102 is going to disagree with me.
To compare Bonjovi and Helloween is like comparing Rob Halford to Kip Winger. Why bother?
Actually, if you knew anything about Kip Winger, you'd know he is an extremely talented musician. Rob Halford is excellent company for him to be in, and vice versa. But that's another point entirely.
actually some of the songs are growing me....but then again...I am an indiot.
Hail, brother! We indiots need to stick together.