Helloween- Unarmed-25th anniverary album

Wow booB, way to completely invalidate everyone's opinion. I hope you were expecting the shitstorm you just recieved.

Of course I was! This board is pretty well known for taking the internet too seriously.

We've listened to the samples, and we've all formed our opinions after listening to the samples. The general consensus is "Yuck." It's not like our opinions are uninformed. We heard it, we didn't like it.

That would be fine, and I wouldn't be "calling bullshit" if it were that simple. ALL of the negative comments so far have nothing to do with the idea that the music in the clips is "bad". And it's not; the musicianship is fine, the singing is great, and the sound quality can't clearly be judged by low-quality clips like these but I'm sure it's fine also. The negative comments stem SOLELY from the fact that this is not what the Helloween Fan Base Local #102 was expecting from this release, and it's not the type of music that they wanted to hear Helloween record. There is nothing wrong with the music in those clips; if you don't like it, it's because of your taste in music, not because "Helloween did a bad thing".

Honestly, who wants to hear the same old songs, just with a different singer? BORING!!! Change things up a bit. That's INTERESTING! I'll be more likely to buy this CD than I would be to buy a bunch of regular-old Helloween re-recordings.

I'm not sure why you're getting so offended over opinions that differ from your's.

Last time I checked, it was everyone else getting butt-hurt over MY post, not the other way around.

Also if the quality of the songs were better I would also understand. Look at the consensus of this thread, most agree its garbage.

If we were to listen to the consensus all the time, we would all be Britney Spears fans.

So, what's wrong with it? Specifically? Funny thing is, nobody can point to anything in particular, other than that they were simply expecting something else, more along the lines of their own tastes.

As far as beating everything since The Dark Ride? Wow what a bold statement. Do you listen to metal at all or are you just pulling this out of your arse?

What a bold and insightful question! What is this... this... "metal"... of which you speak?

The Dark Ride was the most un-Helloweenesque Andi era Helloween album (dark, brooding).

The Helloween Fan Base Local #102 would disagree with you and cite Chameleon. On the contrary, Helloween was moving in an AWESOME direction, with Time of the Oath -> Better Than Raw -> The Dark Ride. Then, when their best members left, they suddenly decided to go backward three steps, back to the same-y, happy sappy power metal they used to play, only not as good. I know for a fact that I am nowhere near alone in this opinion, even if the Helloween Fan Base Local #102 is going to disagree with me.

To compare Bonjovi and Helloween is like comparing Rob Halford to Kip Winger. Why bother?

Actually, if you knew anything about Kip Winger, you'd know he is an extremely talented musician. Rob Halford is excellent company for him to be in, and vice versa. But that's another point entirely.

actually some of the songs are growing me....but then again...I am an indiot.

Hail, brother! We indiots need to stick together. :lol:
The Helloween Fan Base Local #102 would disagree with you and cite Chameleon.

Last I checked, Andi didn't sing on this record. The point was that "Dark Ride" was the most non-Helloween Andi-era album...... I don't think ANYONE would argue that "Chameleon" is the least Helloween, Helloween album.....

Again, I don't think anyone is saying that the MUSIC is bad on this. That is not the point at all. If Helloween put out a bluegrass country album, they may play it VERY well (although I doubt it), but it is so far afield of what most people want to hear as to be offensive to many. Same thing here; most of the masses do not want to hear Helloween doing sappy Muzak-esque versions of songs that many here consider CLASSICS.

I'll pick it up when it comes out, and give it a chance then..... But frankly, to borrow your comparison, if they do what Bon Jovi did on "This Left", then this CD will get shelved and never touched again.
For all those that still think that this album is good please see the new video for "Dr. Stein". Uggggh

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Though I don't mind the video so much - I just can't stand the whole Blues Brothers vibe the band has going on for half of the video. And of course, the musical arrangement is atrocious.
Further proof to my point that this whole project is simply for fun, and is actually a pretty creative thing for a band that is normally so badly pigeonholed into a certain genre as to have the genre practically named after them. ("Helloween metal", anyone?)

I like the song and the video. It's good, cheesy fun. But I forgot; only ONE kind of cheese is tolerated on this board. Rest assured that you don't have to purchase it if you don't want.
Further proof to my point that this whole project is simply for fun, and is actually a pretty creative thing for a band that is normally so badly pigeonholed into a certain genre as to have the genre practically named after them. ("Helloween metal", anyone?)

I like the song and the video. It's good, cheesy fun. But I forgot; only ONE kind of cheese is tolerated on this board. Rest assured that you don't have to purchase it if you don't want.

OK you are absolutely out of your mind dude! It would be cheesy fun if it were a bonus track or something but to pay for this shite? please! Know that you will quite possibly the only one that will both buy this and enjoy this.
Further proof to my point that this whole project is simply for fun, and is actually a pretty creative thing for a band that is normally so badly pigeonholed into a certain genre as to have the genre practically named after them. ("Helloween metal", anyone?)

I like the song and the video. It's good, cheesy fun. But I forgot; only ONE kind of cheese is tolerated on this board. Rest assured that you don't have to purchase it if you don't want.

You keeping hitting on the same fucking note, man, and it's getting old. We get it that you think it's fun, now would please leave us alone if we don't like it and we're making negative comments? If it annoys you that much, why do you bother coming back to this thread?
You keeping hitting on the same fucking note, man, and it's getting old. We get it that you think it's fun, now would please leave us alone if we don't like it and we're making negative comments? If it annoys you that much, why do you bother coming back to this thread?

Wow, are you serious? It's now against the rules to be POSITIVE about an album if everyone else hates it???

Great post.
booB, it's not that anyone has a problem with you liking the album, it's that you insult everyone who DOESN'T like the album. Implying that we're all close-minded because we don't like this album is rather rude.

Though I'm starting to think you're just trolling, at this point. I wouldn't put it past you to try and get a rise out of people. ;)
booB, it's not that anyone has a problem with you liking the album, it's that you insult everyone who DOESN'T like the album. Implying that we're all close-minded because we don't like this album is rather rude.

Though I'm starting to think you're just trolling, at this point. I wouldn't put it past you to try and get a rise out of people. ;)

I'm certainly not just trolling. (Then again, is it really "trolling" if I'm being positive to get a rise out of people being negative? At least I'm being positive! :lol: ) I did say what I said originally as a tongue-in-cheek comment (the part about everyone on this forum being wrong, not the part about liking the music). I had no idea that people would actually take it seriously. I mean, it's one of the biggest cliches on the internet! Surely everyone would get the joke! Clearly not.

However, there is part of me that thinks everyone here hates the music because it's not what they were expecting, and not what they wanted. The main point of my argument is that "I don't like it" does not equal "bad", despite everyone's protests to the opposite. I certainly don't think it's the greatest album ever recorded. But, for what it is, it's very well-done. There's nothing objectively wrong with the music; it's just that it's not to the taste of people on this board, and, simultaneously, not likely to be picked up by fans of the musical styles on the album. It helps that I, personally, LOVE totally off-the-wall remakes of classic songs. I'd rather hear that any day than a song played the exact same way but with different musicians.

Is it probably a mistake for Helloween to market this as a serious album? Sure. I think fewer people would be up in arms now if they had been warned about the complete revamps beforehand, and more people would probably be coming out of the woodwork and liking it. But, again, "I don't like it" != "bad". And I for one certainly appreciate that the band was ballsy enough to do this album in the first place.
you guys are creating too many potholes for yourselves. i don't think it's a big deal, even though i am quite surprised that they did this. the video and all of the re-recorded tracks... nonetheless we haveto admire helloween, it's not that they are just losing grip..or some stupid shit like that, it's just there natural tendency to experiment.. be lively, frivolous and fun how helloween always has been... masters of Power Metal. and don't get me wrong im still somewhat disappointed at the idea of them doing this because again it isn't what most of us expected so it's alittle odd and leaves you disappointed, frankly though the act of them dressing up as like blues and jazz artists and the whole new thing humored me.. and i find the new recordings rather enjoyable however they are. i don't care if the thing is for sale or for download. if you like it buy it if not you don't have to.. and use the idea of getting there whole catalog and getting jipped somehow...download it. it's new you've yet to acknowledge the lightheartedness that comes from this idea i think. anyways ive yet to be disappointed by 1 helloween album. i don't think this best of is going to make any alterations for my thoughts on there future either way! nice one...
I liked the video...song arrangement...interesting......not something I would listen to all the time, then again I have never been a big Helloween fan.
Certainly a self indulgent album for sure....an interestingly odd way to show one's versatility....lol.
If I was a big Helloween fan I would certainly be disappointing and at best appreciate this as a bonus disc.
Not being a big Helloween fan...I really do not care.
The interesting thing here lost...what would an unknowing non-metal listener think if this was how they first heard Helloween.......hmmmmmm
Wow, are you serious? It's now against the rules to be POSITIVE about an album if everyone else hates it???

Great post.

Are you fucking serious? That's not it dude!! Come on, enough trolling!! I don't care that you like the album, but you seem to really have to put down everyone who doesn't. Or at least, you say that we're wrong.

Great mind.
I'm certainly not just trolling. (Then again, is it really "trolling" if I'm being positive to get a rise out of people being negative? At least I'm being positive! :lol: ) I did say what I said originally as a tongue-in-cheek comment (the part about everyone on this forum being wrong, not the part about liking the music). I had no idea that people would actually take it seriously. I mean, it's one of the biggest cliches on the internet! Surely everyone would get the joke! Clearly not.

However, there is part of me that thinks everyone here hates the music because it's not what they were expecting, and not what they wanted. The main point of my argument is that "I don't like it" does not equal "bad", despite everyone's protests to the opposite. I certainly don't think it's the greatest album ever recorded. But, for what it is, it's very well-done. There's nothing objectively wrong with the music; it's just that it's not to the taste of people on this board, and, simultaneously, not likely to be picked up by fans of the musical styles on the album. It helps that I, personally, LOVE totally off-the-wall remakes of classic songs. I'd rather hear that any day than a song played the exact same way but with different musicians.

Is it probably a mistake for Helloween to market this as a serious album? Sure. I think fewer people would be up in arms now if they had been warned about the complete revamps beforehand, and more people would probably be coming out of the woodwork and liking it. But, again, "I don't like it" != "bad". And I for one certainly appreciate that the band was ballsy enough to do this album in the first place.

As always "bad" is a very subjective word. ;)

That said, it seems as if the general consensus is that this would have been more of a fun thing if it had been a bonus disc. I'd LOVE to hear some of hte Kiske and Kai songs re-recorded with Andi on vocals, but not completely re-vamped like they did here. I think even if this had been a bonus disc on a heavier 25th Anniversary album, I'd still have not listened to this disc more than once.

Yes, most people expected a bit more out of Helloween for their 25th anniversary, especially given with how excellent Gambling with the Devil turned out to be. Basically, what Helloween is releasing isn't the expected metal album. It's more of a pop-rock, big band album than a metal album. And just as "I don't like it" does not = "bad," "fun" does not = "Good" either. Example: B horror movies are fun, but that doesn't make them any good.
The main issue I have is that Helloween are going to do 2 things with this release:
1) Lose long time fans that have been on the fence about them in recent years
2) NOT gain any new fans in the process

They could have generated a lot of positive hype for the band if they just went in and did honest versions of the songs with Deris on vocals. It would have given new life to great classic Helloween material. Sure, they could have had a little fun with it, but I personally think they went over the top.

I have been a Helloween supporter since Keepers I.
I did lose sight of them with Pink Bubbles and Chameleon, as those were not initially released here in the states, and that was before the internet.

I remember first seeing Pink Bubbles at a record convention, as a Japanese import, which is the copy I still own today.

I think long running bands have to be careful.

Sure, longtime diehard fans like myself are not going to turn their backs on the band for this, but casual fans will. Every long running band has as part of their fanbase folks who are only interested in classic material. I know for the past couple Helloween shows I was at, there were MANY people who only knew the Keepers I and II material, and that is it!

I think if they did honest re-recordings of these songs, it would help introduce Deris to some of those long time fans who have not purchased the Deris era material. Sure, those of us on these forums who have our ear more in tune with the current scene might at first go, "How can there be Helloween fans who haven't heard the Deris material??" I am saying there are PLENTY!

Just like there are many Slayer fans who go to their shows but haven't purchased an album of theirs since Reign In Blood or South of Heaven.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but as a long time fan, I could not remain silent.
sarcasm on /

Shut up everyone - my opinion is the only one that matters, and I like it!!! So go dig a hole or something ... I'm right, you're all wrong.

/ sarcasm off

Anyway ...................... if this one song is to be taken as an indicator for the rest of the disc, I'm sure I'll like it a lot. This is fun, very well-done and an interesting spin on an old classic. Those who just wants to hear Andi sing the "normal" version of the song(s) should go listen to the live discs and DVDs. Just like when Michael Kiske made his acoustic album with covers of old Helloween classics, I think it's awesome that the band choses to deliver something different.

sarcasm on /

Now, those who disagree with my opinion can just suck it

/ sarcasm off