help improve my gear/tone


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2012
Hey all,
I really could do with some help for improving my tone! I don't have much of a budget to work with though. I have a crappy no-name guitar with no-name pickups, going into a behringer DI and then Guitar Rig 5 (cheapest setup imaginable :)

I want a nice sludgy or postmetal sound, like amenra, tides, etc, some chunky chugg chugg but a lot of chords too. I

What should I upgrade to get a bit better tone? Everything sounds fizzy right now. Does the choice of pickups matter if its just going into Guitar Rig anyway? I don't want to spend more than a few hundred bucks, so what can I get for that? Will I even notice an improvement for that small amount of money?
I should add that I record at home, at night, with a sleeping family, so a real amp is out of the question. Live stage use is far, far in the future.
Goodly innovine1! Certainly ye pickups of thine string'eth-six-banshee play a parte most important in thine overall tone'age.

In addition, ye interface into thine computo-box 'tis of highest importance. Doth ye know'eth this device's rate of conversion from analog to digital? (For instance "24-bit/192kHz"?) A credo thee must remember, dear innovine1: quality in lead'eth to quality out!

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naa, I don't know that. It's just the inbuilt Line In on my laptop so it's probably rubbish. I've been looking at a Focusrite Saffire 6, do you think that'd be the best place to start, and maybe try new pickups a little later? I've read some good things about DiMarzio Super Distortion...
Forsooth! Ye Focusrite Saffire VI 'tis a fine choice, dear innovine1.
Ye Dimarzio Super Distortion be'ith a most celebrated pickup, which thee hath undoubtedly hearde in many Metallic odes. Lords Dave Murray and Adrian Smith both employ'eth this pickup, as well as ye Space Ace of Kiss!

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