Help me answer these important questions


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
1 - Why aren't there more cemetaries? Don't you think that with the amount of people dying all the time, you would see many more cemetaries and tombs? I mean, how many people go for cremation over burial?

2 - How does roadkill always end up on the side of the road? Why aren't the dead deer, racoons, possums, stray cats, etc all over the highway, and not just on the hard shoulder?

3 - Who was your favorite James Bond adversary? And who was the best looking Bond girl?

That is all.
1. I never want to be buried, cremate me please. Funerals are stupid.

2. I ALWAYS see roadkill in the middle of the road. I've only killed one animal, once. Damn rat on a freeway onramp, fucker got smooshed. Sorry dude.

3. Handjob, or whatever his name was. Best looking girl is too hard too chose, not to mention the fact that I don't know any of their names anyhow. Elizabeth Hurley. No wait...
1. There are tons of cemetaries. Plus, when you by a "lot" for your grave, you're buying a teenie weenie little piece of dirt. They pack the bodies in there like sardines.

2. I've always wondered that. Perhaps the body eventually winds up on the shoulder after so many vehicles hit it.

3. Goldfinger was cool. The dude with the white cat was neat, Blofeld, his name was? I can't remember them all. I liked Christopher Walken as Zorn in A View to a Kill. And who cannot love Jaws?

Barbara Bach (The Spy Who Loved Me) or the chick who played Jill Masterson in Goldfinger (the chick that was painted gold). Oh, and that other chick in The SPy Who Loved Me who got blown up in the helicopter was a hottie. So was the chick (Domino) in Thunderball.
1. I guess the cemetaries swallow more than you think

2. I don't drive enough to have a clue.

3. Jaws. The best girl is the first one, her swimmingpants are very tight.
1. Cemetaries are gay since the invention of plastic flowers. Just in case if for some reason my family disobeys my final wishes and buries me intead of the boat/funeral pyre/archer-with-the-flaming-arrow option, I'm going to incant a necromantic rite on myself that if they bury me and lay plastic flowers on my grave, I will be ressurrected as a zombie and the zombie's purpose is to eat their brains which are obviously worthless to them if they would be so stupid to do such a thing as put plastic flowers on a grave.

as for the original question: the answer is zombies rise from the dead from people putting on the aforementioned necromancy on themselves and the then vacant graves are recycled.

Next question:

2. Wild dogs push them over, but then they are hit, and become roadkill themselves.


Best BondVillain: JAWS (although he became a good guy in the end)
Best Bond Girl: That hot russian computer hacker chick on goldeneye asjdgna;osdjgna;sfaj;sdfaentyu43yfrjg5nrmkdfbHOTTTTTTT
I've always wondered that about the limited space of cemetaries myself, I'd call it prison overcrowding for the decomposed. As for roadkill, I guess it's considered more humane to toss them aside and keep them from getting splattered all over again...
HAHAHAHA. Gyros rule, I'm scraping up the next pile of roadkill I find and see if you're right. :Spin:

TJ Dogs (as in Tijuana) are better though. Bacon wrapped hotdogs with about 6 pounds of onion and green bell pepper... *droooooooool* Only eat about 1 a year though, fuckers pack a punch.
from my understanding, after a certain amount of time they exhume the grave, recycle the coffins, and cremate the body. Then they resell the lot. Could just be an urban legend, but that's what I heard.

But I'm in agreement, burials are retarded. Cremation is the proper way. I'd hate to waste land with my coffin. Plus, funerals are way overpriced. $5000 for a cheap one. Yay, uncle Joey died and we get to cough up $5000 to bury his sorry ass? Whatever. People are way too sentimental.
When I die, I hope my close friends and family members sit down and say 2 or 3 words in a toast to my life, then all get stupid drunk.
1. I think you only get a grave-spot for 100 years (possibly less) or something, at least here. After that I theink they burn what's left

2. Enough answers

3. duno
IOfTheStorm said:
you have no idea how dirty a gyros can be.
I can guess. I heard it was 40% horsemeat. :ill:

Lamb Shish Kebab > Gyros

Best Bond Villain ever: It's a toss up between Blofeld ("You only live twice, Mr Bond") or Goldfinger (Bond with laser pointed at his crotch: "So I shuppose you want me to talk?". "No Mr Bond, I expect you to DIE!", replies Goldfinger).

Best Bond Girl: Holly from Moonraker. Or maybe the French tart from World is not Enough.
Erik said:
Yep, that'll do it.

Horse meat = glue and dogfood over here. Personally I don't see the problem with eating any animal, I can't fathom one as being less desirable than another, except in terms of taste. I'd probably never eat dog though, just because I love dogs. On purpose I should say, because unless you kill it and grill it yourself sometimes you can't be sure what you're eating.
JayKeeley said:
1 - Why aren't there more cemetaries?
How recent a concept are formal cemetaries? I'm guessing, only until somewhat recently (in the grand scheme of things) did people stop burying their kin in their backyard.

JayKeeley said:
2 - How does roadkill always end up on the side of the road? Why aren't the dead deer, racoons, possums, stray cats, etc all over the highway, and not just on the hard shoulder?
Strangely, I believe someone moves roadkill to the side of the road and marks it, and someone else comes and collects it. Why these aren't the same job? I have no idea.

JayKeeley said:
3 - Who was your favorite James Bond adversary? And who was the best looking Bond girl?
Barbara Carerra.

man I was sick-hott for barbara carrera at one time in my life. but how can you not name
Halle Berry advocates sex toys


NEW YORK: Movie actress Halle Berry has advocated the use of sex toys to add spice to your love life.

The Bond girl has revealed that when she is in a mood to experiment with her sex life, she visits an L.A. store called 'Pleasure Chest' that specializes in sexy lingerie, whips and assorted rubber products.

"Make regular visits to the Pleasure Chest. You can't forget your sexuality. That's not good," The New York Daily News quoted Halle as saying.

"You can still embrace your body by going to the gym or going to the Pleasure Chest," she added.

funerals are such a ripoff. your family could use that money for something useful rather than throwing it in a hole in the ground. If you have a university hospital around you see if they have a body donation program. I signed up and what they'll do is pick up your corpse, give it to med students to have a good laugh with, and when they're done they'll gather up all your sliced and diced parts, cremate them, and send the ashes home.
I told my wife to drive about 10 miles outside of town and throw me into a cornfield. that way my last words to society will be "eat me."
General Zod said:
How recent a concept are formal cemetaries? I'm guessing, only until somewhat recently (in the grand scheme of things) did people stop burying their kin in their backyard.
Where I live we have burial mounds, aka big piles of stone. Pre-viking age sailors just threw a big heap of rocks on their dead and then left, but since this was some time ago and the land rises about a centimetre a year or so here those are now a few kilometres from the sea in most places.
The newer Bond girls have nothing on the classics. Denise Richards, Halle Berry, and that Scorupco chick have nothing on the classic Bond girls. You guys need to watch the Connery Bond films.

Though Sophie Marceau is gorgeous.