Help Me Choose a Pod.


New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2008
Right so im going to be purchasing a Pod in the next few weeks and i need to decide which one.

Ive seen, the pod2.0, pod xt, pod x3 , etc etc

The big question is, im short of cash, and really would prefer the rack mounted pod. Now the price difference between the Pod Pro and the Pod XT Pro, seems to be rather big first being £150 second being around £350.

Straight up im a drummer, and a bit Mentally Guitarded, so im just trying to find out, what the main differences are, and what am i essentially paying extra money, and will i able to still get a wicked tone out of the Pod 2.0 as apposed to the XT.

Can you still patch them all the same essentially with the same tone.

Anyway guitar guru's out there, enlighten me :flame:
Sound-wise no, but the rack one has XLR inputs/outputs, SPDIF i/o, and the ability to reamp...not worth it IMO