Help me come up with a new e-mail

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
So I've grown tired of the e-mail address I've been using for the past year (, and of Hotmail in general. I decided to switch to Yahoo...but what, I wondered, should be my address?

I thought about my distinguishing characteristics. Likes metal...has jewfro...MetalJewfro!

But that wasn't enough. Scanning my CD playlist to figure out what to listen to, my eyes fell on Anthrax's debut album. JewfroThrashingMad!

And then, predictably, came more. HallowedBeThyJewfro, AndJewfrosForAll, get the picture. I was overwhelmed.

So, I turn to you guys for help. What is the best combination of metal song title and Jewfro? Bear in mind my musical tastes, which most of you know (i.e., JewfroFromtheGutter = good, JewfrooftheFall = bad.)

Go wild.