Help me get better at Drumagog and all that jazz!

Shaun Werle

Dec 30, 2009
Brodheadsville PA
Hey so guys first i would like to say that if this subject was previously covered on this forum i am sorry that i am posting this but i really would appreciate some help from all of you.

Alright, so after a completly annoying battle on getting drumagog installed with my PC (vista sucks) I went to go track some drums to see get better with it obviously.

When i was tracking the drums with Slate, I had a lot of problems with latency, but i think i have that under control now but anywayz my main issue is getting the tracks to trigger right.
I set my sample sensitivty so i can pick up the hits that aren't being trigger for the snare, as far as the soft ones for rolls and stuff. I am using sm57s on the drums BTW.
But when i set my sensitivity to high i get double triggering on almost 60% of my snare hits that are somewhat hard, so i set it low so i can just get clean triggers with hard hits, but i also loose the soft hits being triggered right.

I taped a few napkins rolled up to deaden the sound it did help but it is still a hassel
I am using the gogs. files imported into Drumagog. this is mostly a snare issue.
Also how should i set up my levels as far as my pre go, should i push them hard to pick up every hit? or low to minimize bleed from other drums?
So confused, i have a band coming in, in two weeks, and if i have to program more drums i am going to explode haha!

I would like to note: When sampling my toms, they just sound horrible. I am using the slate maples and they just have so much overtone when triggered with Drumagog

My questions,
-How hard should i be running my pres on each drum?
-What should i do to minimize bad sampling?
-How should the mics be set up to pick up the best results?

Thanks for reading! and please help if you can! :)
have you toyed with the resolution setting? the key to proper triggering is finding the sweet spot with both the sensitivity and resolution...i find it usually works best set to 48ms.

also toy around with your groups as to ensure that the proper samples are being assigned to the corresponding hits!
have you toyed with the resolution setting? the key to proper triggering is finding the sweet spot with both the sensitivity and resolution...i find it usually works best set to 48ms.

also toy around with your groups as to ensure that the proper samples are being assigned to the corresponding hits!

thanks man, i will mess with it for sure!