Help me get metal Bass Tone

Sep 19, 2006
Hey I'm going to be laying down some bass tracks, I have an OLP bass (musicman) and a hartke 1x12. should i mic it and go direct in?
Also how shoudl i go about getting that metal/pingy bass tone that is used a lot now? As Blood runs black has good bass tone on their new stuff.
I don't know for sure...

I got it from Andy's Site at some point where he was using Krank amps. Maybe The Clan Destined or something. I had never heard it before but I thought it sounded cool..
I started a bass thread here a couple weeks ago, there was some good info in can probably still find it.

I was completely unsatisfied with my bass tone, but now that I've really put a lot of effort into it...I've never been happier.

First of all make sure that your bass has brand new strings, dead strings sound like utter shit. Then make sure that you have good string to string volume. Your low E shouldn't be louder than your A string, etc.

Ultimately you're going to have two bass tracks. Record a dry DI track, no distortion, and also record a distorted amp track. Low pass the DI track so it slopes off at like 400Hz. High pass the distorted track so it slopes off at 650Hz or so. Drop your favorite EQ on the DI track and tweak the lows so that it best fits with your kicks and guitars. Need to compress? Probably. Buss the two tracks together and compress them together, or you can compress each differently with a compresser on each individual track.

During mixing, set your levels for guitars and drums first, then bring up the DI track till the low end fills out how you want it to. Now for the fun part. Bring up the high passed distorted track till you can hear the bass growling along with the guitars. I really, really like to hear a heavily distorted just adds that extra ounce of aggression.

Basically the whole reasoning behind this is that you're getting a big rumbling distorted tone without distorting the low end. The smooth undistorted low end will fit in the mix much better than a sloppy overdriven one. You can also bring up the high-passed track and get the bass HEARD without messing with the low end.
Lateley, I've been using a combination of Bass Sans Amp (great box) and a miked amp as well. Use the Sansamp for the snap & presence... then the miked for the ultra-low stuff & then combine the two. Works great.

What mics do you use for bass? ...I've tried lots of different mics but never been 100% happy and usually end up getting a better sound from the sans-amp. Using an SVT with an 8x10

I've tried D6, 421, 57, 4050, beta52 ...thats all I can think of at the moment
OzNimbus said:
Lateley, I've been using a combination of Bass Sans Amp (great box) and a miked amp as well. Use the Sansamp for the snap & presence... then the miked for the ultra-low stuff & then combine the two. Works great.

your method seems backwards...

I use the Bass Gtr DI for the bottom and the amp for colour.
punkrockacademyfightsong said:
the sansamp can give a lot of "growl" i can imagine you'd like to combine it with some smooth lows. guess that would work out fine with a nice tube amp.
I agree on the BDDI. My clip is all BDDI
Clips... Clips...

A lot of talk between this thread and the other, but no clips other than Storyteller... sorry but I'm dubious

Clips... Clips... :kickass: :kickass:
Just added the Sansamp RBI (rackmounted version of the BassDriver with dedicated MID control and lots of other upgrades). Seriously improved my live tone 100% and has two XLR outputs for WET & DRY. So I've done 3 tracks for bass recently XLR 100% WET, XLR 100% DRY & a Beta52 on the cab. To be honest, the cab mic is really the weakest of the three. With just the wet and dry out, I'm able to blend those for some killer tone. I'll try to get an MP3 up shortly.
Right on, thanks Keiffer

I wanted to stay away from samples with that song, seeing if I could get close with what I had on hand which is my Mapex 22 into a D6

I could have dropped Andys kick on there and be done with it, but I'm trying to better my engineering