Help me, I may not make it otherwise.


New Metal Member
Jul 23, 2009
Seriously, ever since I got turned onto Nevermore I have found nothing that compares. Whenever I try listening to something else it's like going from MMA to WWE, from Professional Boxing to Bum Fights, from a real girl friend to a sock and a rubber.... nevermind.

Does ANYONE have some other bands that are going to keep me as interested in their music as Nevermore does?
Check out Burzum, if you like Nevermore you'll love the Hvis Lyset Tar Oss album

Listened to it, just can't get into it mang.

It seemed to be one big sound with constant drumming in the background. It just sounds removed of any highs and lows or any buildups. I also can't get into that kind of vocals. I used to not mind those vocals a whole lot but I prefer the cleaner variety nowadays.
Good, most death metal fucking sucks.

Your Nevermore high just hasn't worn off yet. It will eventually and then they'll just be a boring ole band like Iced Earth.